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Design production and construction of a wooden house in Georgia, the Kakheti project

Design production and construction of a wooden house in Georgia, the Kakheti project

The construction of a wooden two-storey house made of glued laminated timber with a flat roof and a terrace in Georgia is an impressive event for our company! The total area of the house is 287 m2, the living area is 200m2

A wooden house in Georgia with the name of the project "Kakheti" will be built by the well-known construction company in the region ArchiLine , which has several houses built in Georgia in its portfolio. The project is an excellent example of how modern architecture can be harmoniously combined with natural materials.

The design of the wooden house "Kakheti" was developed using advanced computer modeling programs. The software allowed the architects to create a very detailed 3D model of the house, which they used to accurately plan and execute the construction.

Plan of the 1st floor:

Plan of the 2nd floor:

A key design feature of a wooden house is the use of glued laminated timber. This material provides excellent strength, durability and thermal insulation. It also has a warm and natural aesthetic that is unmatched by other building materials.

The production of a wooden house for Georgia began with the production of high-quality glued laminated timber. Timber is created by gluing several layers of wood with industrial glue. The resulting material is incredibly durable and resistant to rotting, moisture and pests. The glulam will be profiled according to the exact specifications of the house project and then delivered to the construction site.

As soon as the timber arrives at the construction site, the builders will begin to assemble the load-bearing walls of the house. A series of interlocking bars will be fitted to each other with great precision.

The walls of the house are assembled on site using a precision cutting map. The walls of the house were designed in such a way that they fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. This construction method allows the assembly process to be carried out much faster and more efficiently than traditional on-site construction methods.

The interior of the wooden house "Kakheti" is spacious, with an open plan, which makes it easy to move between different living spaces. The use of natural wood throughout the interior creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. Large floor-to-ceiling windows provide ample natural light to fill the interior spaces, highlighting the overall beauty of the home.

In general, the project of the wooden house "Kakheti" in Georgia from ArchiLine demonstrates the possibilities of modern architecture and natural materials. The use of glulam provides unmatched strength and durability, and the elegant modern design demonstrates the beauty of this natural material. The eco-friendly construction methods used in this project will also reduce the carbon footprint of the building, making it a responsible and sustainable choice for homeowners.

Georgia is a country known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. Among the many artistic and creative traditions in Georgia is the construction of wooden houses using traditional and modern methods passed down from generation to generation. One of the leading companies in this field is ArchiLine, which specializes in creating beautiful, eco-friendly and modern wooden houses that combine the best of traditional design with modern construction technologies and materials.

ArchiLine was founded by a team of architects, builders and design professionals passionate about creating eco-friendly and modern wooden houses. The company offers a wide range of wooden house projects tailored to the needs of customers, from rustic houses to modern houses with elegant and stylish designs for construction in Georgia

ArchiLine specializes in creating sustainable and energy-efficient wooden houses. The construction process uses high-quality wood from local forests certified as environmentally friendly, which guarantees minimal impact of the construction process on the environment. The company's designers use the latest technologies, such as computer-aided design (CAD) and 3Dmodeling, to create both2D-, as well as 3Ddesigns tailored to the client's needs and specifications.

By using wood in construction instead of traditional materials such as concrete and steel, ArchiLine's projects are more sustainable and contribute to the global desire for more sustainable construction methods. In addition, wooden homes are known for their excellent insulation properties, which means that they are incredibly energy efficient and can help save money on heating and cooling.

One of the unique advantages of ArchiLine wooden housesis their modern design. Many people associate wooden houses with traditional and rustic styles, but ArchiLine offers a range of modern and contemporary designs that are elegant, classy, and perfect for modern living. The company's designers have extensive experience in creating modern functional spaces using natural materials and traditional construction methods.

ArchiLine wooden houses are not only eco-friendly and stylish, but also durable. The use of quality wood in construction means that the houses are durable and stand the test of time, and the company also provides a warranty on all its products for customers' peace of mind. All homes are built to the highest standards, with great attention to detail and quality control.

ArchiLine is at the forefront of creating modern, eco-friendly and beautiful wooden houses in Georgia. The company's commitment to sustainability and innovation ensures that customers can have an eco-friendly and modern home without sacrificing style or quality.

If you are interested in design production and construction of a wooden house in georgia, the kakheti project , you may:

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