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Wooden houses constructions from winter timber

Wooden houses constructions from winter timber  Wooden houses constructions from winter timber

Timber choosing is among the most important decisions made during wood house construction. Wood house builders know the main features of the wood converted during different periods of the year. It goes without saying that every house owner wish to build a wooden house that will warm the cockles of one's heart many and many years. That is why it is important that the quality of the finished home keeps as long as possible. The correct choice of timber is crucial in this sense. On the stage of wood home project making start finding out all useful information about the material. Otherwise you will be very disappointed if the chosen material does not perform in a proper way. So what criteria are most important in making decision about the suitability of timber construction? In this article we will discuss whether the statement that the house of a winter forest will be of better quality than that of summer forest.

Wooden houses constructions from winter timber

It is clear that not every log is suitable for wood house building. The highest priority is given to the length of the log and its diameter. The same severity can be given to a variety of other defects in the material. It is perfect when there are no defects on the timber. But making the choice you shouldn’t forget about considering the climatic conditions in which they were growing. For example ancient bull-of-the-woods in Russia harvested timber according to the time of the year and necessarily taking into consideration this important factor. This practice was based on a great back-ground knowledge and experience in wood house building. It is not just because of the technological reasons. In addition to this many cultures have religious reasons - the cult of the tree. In Siberia, for example, people cut wood in the winter frost. They believed that during the winter months, in frost and cold, all extra juice and gum leave the tree. This belief created the tradition in Russia to construct log houses and baths of winter forest timber. Old beliefs transformed nowadays in common practice for modern masters. This article is going to compare the advantages of winter and summer woods. This comparison will give a good picture of main criteria for the builders in the choice of materials.

Wooden houses constructions from winter timber

The main advantages of winter forest timber.

The main advantage of winter wood is its strength. The thing is that the tree does not grow during the winter, so it does not need extra juices. All these affect the process of shrinkage: winter timber is less prone to deformation and cracks, while wet summer timber will face all the after-effects. The dryness of winter forest timber makes the shrinkage of the house more uniform. Together with the juice insects and pests leave the tree. And minimum percentage of starch prevents the process of decay. All these unquestionable facts allow the winter forest wood keep maximum strength during exploitation.
The process of winter forest timber drying passes longer, than that of summer, but it is not a disadvantage. On the contrary, it is a huge plus. Slow home shrinkage runs uniformly, whereas summer material dries rapidly, which usually causes defects - unavoidable cracks. The deformation of the timber is caused mostly not because of the process of shrinkage itself, but mainly because of its speed. During the summer period the timber dries quickly on the outside, but inside its structure it remains still wet. The appearance of cracks is caused by the different load on the material. So a slow dryness of the wooden house is a bid advantage, as all indicators will be stronger.

To sum up, the advantages of winter forest timber are the following:

- a high-quality log houses built from the winter forest timber weight less and, therefore, the construction work and the speed of wood house building will increase significantly.

- you will save money, as you can save on a slab foundation and make instead a girder foundation.

- A new wooden house build from winter forest timber does not need additional treatment for a couple of years, or even longer. The thing is that winter timber itself produces phytoncids that prevent rot and mold.

Some advice how to distinguish a good-quality timber.

When the question is about the quality of your future wooden house, don’t be ashamed to take a bubble with iodine to the seller’s place. The only thing you will need to do is to spill one drop of iodine on the fresh cut surface. If it turns into a blue colour, it means there is enough moisture. The timber was harvested during spring or summer period, when the circulation of juices is high. Quality winter timber weights less than summer does. Most likely it will be impossible to compare the weights on the seller’s place.

But you can always make the appropriate calculations in advance, knowing the given numbers. The rind can also give some useful information. It is clear that in summer or spring period wood works are dirty. That is why the condition of the rind can tell you much. An indicator of the winter material will be the bark, peeling off the body of the tree and exposing the core. The last factor is the edges of the saw cut. The wet timber is difficult to cut, so the saw cut is wavy. And vice versa winter harvesting makes strict lines - the edges are straight and accurate without brooming.

While using winter forest timber you need to know some important features of winter material. If the material is stored in improper conditions, it can loose all its positive qualities. First of all timber should be barked. After that you need to use antiseptic. Other important condition is to provide good ventilation in stock with appropriate temperature conditions. Accordingly, if you can’t afford fulfillment of all these conditions, the house should be constructed before warm weather, when winter timber will loose all its benefits.

There is another point of view about winter timber. Some builders say that the timber that was harvested in the winter turns to stone during summer. This leads to difficulties in work and cutting accuracy is reduced. According to some experts’ advice, log-house is better made in February, as during this month storage space freed of timber. So it increases the chance to get winter timber.
In any case, timber selection is better trust to be made by a professional. So we recommend you to ask for help people that know much about the process of timber harvesting. This will be an ideal variant.

The service life of the house constructed of winter forest timber is much longer then that of summer. And this is a very important advantage as you built wooden house not for one year. And some times you need to spend more money and time on research on good-quality material and allow yourself to have a house from the finest materials.

Now we are going to describe some features of the timber harvested in other periods of the year. We believe this information will be useful.
Spring forest timber - the material is characterized by a high percentage of humidity and high amounts of resin, as during this period there is a large amount of rainfall.

Summer forest timber is characterized by a high concentration of resin in the tree body, which is also bad for wood home construction.
Autumn forest timber is also characterized by a high moisture percentage in the material.

Houses constructed of the materials harvested in these seasons will quickly come into poor condition. The timber will crack and heavily deform.
it is a well-known fact that the best time for house construction is summer, this is clear even for people that know about house building nothing. That is why the in period from October to May all the construction works are stopped. Most likely the owners of the piece of land pause house building until the spring just because it is a common practice and everyone does it.

Nobody wishes to take the risk. But we are going to break a secret: this belief is wrong - the house can be built throughout the year. Most readers will object that it is difficult to carry out concrete works in the cold, dig frozen ground, the light day is short and the builders work in uncomfortable conditions will cost too much ...Indeed, all these arguments happen to be real, but the construction of the house during winter period can be beneficial. We gathered all the arguments "for" winter house construction. First of all in recent years, humanity created many different technologies, with which you can build successfully in the cold season as well. Among them there are those that will allow you to perform work associated with hardening of concrete easily.

Moreover, during the process of wood house construction work, there are some operations that are better made at low temperatures. And the last argument that will be useful for all future house owners: during winter period many building companies face a large shortage of the customers. In order to increase demand for their services and attract more new customers, they give big discounts, bonuses and promotions. So you can make serious savings if you make the decision to built house during winter period.

Now with our recommendations you can start wood house construction in winter without any fear. Any house building construction starts with dish digging, where the foundation will be built later. It is clear that it will be very difficult to perform any works during sub-zero temperature. And frozen ground turns to be very hard. In this condition there is no sense in excavator usage, saying nothing of shovel usage as well- it all will be practically meaningless. But due to modern technologies it becomes possible to heat the ground. The process itself is quite fast. If the winter is moderately frosty with a sufficient layer of snow, the ground freezes only to a depth of 30 cm. After heating the ground turns to be the same as during the summer, and all work are performed easily.

After dish making you will pass to next stage the construction of the foundation. It goes without saying that skeptics will say that it is a "wet" process, and the water usually freezes in sub-zero temperatures. But the foundation can not necessarily be concrete. Many experts speak highly of the foundation on metal stilts. This modern technology has a warranty period of about forty years. But nevertheless if you still think of concrete foundation structures, we can assure you that with modern technologies you can work in cold with them.

Wooden houses constructions from winter timber

Here are five possibilities:

- You can add frost resistant additives into a concrete solution: their use allows operation at the temperature up to -25 ° C;

- You can warm concrete solution up to + 90 ° C. The resulting solution is then laid into the mold and hermetically hiding. Under condition that the frost is not very hard (up to -5 ° C), this is quite enough time to solidify the foundation before the water freezes;

- To conduct electrode heating to the concrete solution - through an electrical current;

- To heat the concrete solution with infrared heat sources (heating elements, ceramic radiators, etc.);

- To make a heated formwork - in this case the construction itself is heated with electricity.

Wooden houses constructions from winter timber

According to the practice, builders usually use combined methods, for example, cold-resistant additives with some other method. This combination will allow you to get the best results at the lowest cost.

After pouring the foundation you can start the walls construction. During the winter period "all the cards in your hands": as winter is considered to be the best time to build a wooden house. Only think about it, during cold weather building site is usually clean and fresh, so wooden walls won’t be dirty in brown clay.

In addition, the newly constructed building should stand up for a while, pass the process of shrinkage. And it is much more thoughtful, if it takes place in the cold season. Moreover, experts say that in winter constructed building passes shrinkage in a light mode. As the result less wall material cracks, is less exposed to mold fungi and pests, and the shrinkage of the wooden house is more uniform.

So if during the winter the house is built and all the processes of standing passed, in the spring the owners will be able to proceed to finishing works. And the summer will be welcomed in the newly built home, instead of spending warm days on boring construction and installation work.

We hope that after our explanation you will correctly make the choice of best material for your future wooden house. As well as we tried to dispel myths about winter period for wooden house construction. We hope all this information will be useful and will save you from making a mistake during a long and complex process of wooden house building.

Look more:

You can see a video-review of the wooden house “Mirage”:

You can have a look on 3D-tour of the wooden house «Mirage»:

Wooden house "Mirage" from profiled glued timber 99m2

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