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Sale of land, recreation centers, hotels, hotel in Belarus
sale of a plot of land for a hotel

Sale of land, recreation centers, hotels, hotel in Belarus

In Belarus, in the Vitebsk region, land with a recreation center, a hotel, a hotel with a large land plot for reconstruction is being sold.

A good place is Lake Suya, on which a plot of land with a recreation center is located, in the group of one of the cleanest lakes, the tourist area of ​​Polotsk.

Geolocation of the base on Lake Suya: https://goo.gl/maps/PPVt6LoANLwY41D78

The contact person: Marina Osmolovskaya (English) +375 29 318 03 87 Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram

Our company can take over the support of the transaction for the purchase of land, make a project for the development of a camp site and carry out construction work in both wooden and classical housing construction. It will help to design the site of the new company and advertise the numbers of the camp site on its sites.

Sale of land, recreation centers, hotels, hotel in Belarus

Sale of land, recreation centers, hotels, hotel in Belarus

Продажа базы отдыха, гостиницы, отеля в Беларуси

A plot of land under the recreation center of 1.3 hectares, on the shore of the picturesque lake Cyya (Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Polotsk district)

Clean air, pine forest, sandy beach terrain, pontoons on the water, good roadways. The minimum distance is 180 km. to the Belarusian blue lakes from Minsk.

The recreation center is supplied with electricity, there is water on the land plot. Brick building for 4 rooms with a dining room and a built-in stove, 7 frame houses, metal perch, dining room.
The land in the area of ​​the recreation center is perfect both for family, ecological recreation, and for active holding of events and holidays.
Fishing, hunting, unique hiking and cycling trips, wood-fired sauna, outdoor games.

Trail running /, Nordic Walking / - for full recovery and relaxation.
The recreation center with a land plot is located in an ecologically clean place on the shores of Lake Suya in the Vitebsk region.

The water of Lake Suya is rich in fish: perch, tench, pike, crucian carp. Catamarans, boats and fishing rods. On the shore of the lake there is a sandy beach with a football field, sun loungers, the descent into the water is gentle, the bottom is sandy.

Very interesting tourism in the area of ​​the recreation center. The city of Polotsk is located 20 km from the recreation center. Polotsk is the oldest city in Belarus, the cultural and spiritual capital of Belarus. Excursions and sights of Polotsk: St. Sophia Cathedral of the 15th century, the oldest monastery of the 10th century

Lake Suya, one of the most visited lakes in the Polotsk region. The recreation center is located in an excellent location but requires reconstruction:

Продажа базы отдыха, гостиницы, отеля в Беларуси

Продажа базы отдыха, гостиницы, отеля в Беларуси

What attracts the purchase of land with a recreation center:

Every year more and more tourists in Belarus are mastering local tourism at the recreation center, and this is not surprising, since recreation in the native nature has a number of its indisputable advantages.

So, arranging outdoor recreation, far from settlements, guests can have fun from the heart, feel a sense of freedom from the daily city bustle, immerse themselves in the world of happiness and romance.

Arranging a traditional or thematic vacation at the recreation center, vacationers can embody any, even the most daring holiday fantasies, since they will be truly comfortable and cozy on a plot of land of the recreation center.

One of the main advantages of organizing relaxation at the recreation center is unlimited rest time during the day: you can have fun and walk even until the morning, and no one will restrict anyone.

The recreation center is an ideal option for a reboot, where many visiting guests will be present, because thanks to the spacious territory and comfortable rooms, everyone who wants to stay overnight can be accommodated. And the closeness and security will ensure the absolute safety of all those present, and there is no need to worry that someone outside will be able to enter the holiday.

Guests at the recreation center are also given the opportunity to hold a fabulous and magical photo session, which is not so easy to carry out in the city.

The recreation center is an ideal option for a reboot for both local and visiting guests, while maintaining all the conditions for the necessary comfort and coziness.

If you are interested in sale of land, recreation centers, hotels, hotel in belarus , you may:

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                          114-49, Necrasov str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220049

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