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Information resources where you can buy a plot of land in Belarus, Minsk and Minsk region

Information resources where you can buy a plot of land in Belarus, Minsk and Minsk region

- Buy or sell a plot in Minsk - Kufar:


Sale and purchase of land on the largest platform ads in Belarus. Many offers, prices for plots. Sell and buy land.

- Cottages, houses, land - Minsk - Realt.by:


- Auctions for the sale of land in Belarus:


- Country real estate and land in Belarus:


- Plots | Sell, buy land near Minsk and Minsk:


- You can buy land in Belarus using the portal:


- How to arrange land in Belarus:


- Buy land in Minsk region (district) - Minsk:


- How to legalize the land used and divide the land in Belarus:


- Buy land near Minsk cheap without intermediaries:


- Buy land to build a house. Minsk Region:


Catalog of land for the construction of houses, cottages and villas. Private ads for the sale of land throughout Belarus.

- Buy land, sale of land in Minsk region and Minsk:


- Buy land, sale of land in Minsk region and Minsk:


- Answers to questions from visitors to online consultations regarding the purchase and sale of land:

www.rka.by/zemelnoe-pravo pravoved.by/tags/Земельный+участок/

- Cadastral value of land in Belarus online:

vl.nca.by/ Налоговая база земельного налога.

- Division, merging of land:


The division, the merger of land. Comprehensive assistance from the State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus.

- Search auctions for the sale of land. Minsk Regional Investment Center:


Open auctions for the sale of land in private ownership.

- Ownership of land and the right to lifelong inherited:


- Acquisition of ownership of land in Belarus:


Understanding where to look, let's figure out what to look for? How to buy land in Belarus?

Urban bustle, environmental problems, lack of fresh air due to an oversupply of cars, these are some of the disadvantages of living in Minsk. Forget about all these unpleasant moments and enjoy the fresh air, you can go out of town or buy land. But before you make such a serious transaction, you need to know some of the nuances regarding the purchase of land. A sufficient number of them and people who have ever carried out this transaction will naturally advise you to turn to professionals. And now you will understand why.

Firstly, it is possible to build a house not on every land plot in Belarus, so if the purpose of your purchase is to build a house, you should pay attention only to those areas where such construction will be allowed. And finally, you have found such a site - construction is allowed, but you should not hurry.

If you want to register in your home, then you need land on which individual construction is allowed. It is important to know if the land belongs to a gardening partnership, construction is possible on it, but you cannot register there.

There is one more thing, for example, you have selected a site, it suits you according to all the characteristics and permissions, but after a while the construction of a residential neighborhood begins. Whatever such trouble happens, before you buy a piece of land, specify a plan for a comprehensive study of the territory.

It is also important to know the existing infrastructure, especially for communications. In the area of ​​your land can pass communications, but you can not connect to them, or it will cost you dearly in material terms. Therefore it is necessary to buy a plot with the technical conditions for communication.

Buying a land plot in the conservation area it is important to consider that if this plot falls into this zone, you will be able to use it, but any construction on it will be prohibited. This information can be clarified in the department of the registration service of the area, there will be clearly indicated restrictions.

If you plan to buy land for the construction of a house or construction work has already begun there, but in your plans to increase the volume of the building, be sure to check the light and gas limit. It may happen that there is not enough electricity, gas and so on that you need.

As you can see, there are enough nuances, so a land purchase transaction should be carried out through a real estate agency. The specialists will thoroughly check all the documentation - they will provide you with information about the possibility of registration, about the possibility of connecting the necessary facilities, the possibility of building on the site, and so on. Experienced specialists will carry out the transaction competently in legal terms and select a piece of land that meets your needs.

The choice of land in Belarus, what to look for?

Choose a plot of land among the many proposals is not an easy task. How not to run into the flooded land, avoid pitfalls and provide all the nuances?

The choice of a site for many people is, above all, the choice of a certain place, and few people think about what lies ahead, and this is exactly what needs to be thought out from the very beginning. It happens that, at first glance, the land that is profitable in terms of buying will then require considerable financial investments, and vice versa, the expensive plot will not deliver unnecessary expenses.

You can buy a plot in the secondary market. It will most likely be a dilapidated or unfinished building with the land on which this building stands. As a result, these proposals will not be cheaper for the buyer, since they require re-issuance of documents, and this is again financial expenditure, time and effort. Sometimes the land can be reissued very difficult, or impossible, if it was allocated to the needy or on a lifelong inheritance.

The choice of location of land is a matter of taste. Someone wants away from the city, someone closer. But do not look for a plot, setting a strict framework of distance from the city. For example, if you have a car, the difference between 5 and 8 km from the city is extremely insignificant, especially if the place answers all wishes.

Everyone, without exception, wants a beautiful view from the window to the river, lake or forest. However, it is worth considering here that there are a number of restrictions on the construction and construction of communications in a conservation area. This eventually also hurts the wallet.

When processing the documents, as a rule, there are no problems, if the plot is bought at auction, or was privately owned before, or the residential building is already on this land plot. The remaining options need to be approached deliberately and beware of gray sales schemes.

Buying a land requires knowledge and serious attention to detail, and does not tolerate haste and vanity, negligence. The ultimate goal is to enjoy the pleasure of owning a beautiful plot and living in a comfortable house, and not endless construction and living in a change house. If the choice of a site seems difficult to you, you can always contact the specialists in the company who deal with these issues for advice or assistance, and not waste money, nerves and time.

The choice of land for the construction of houses:

Building a house begins with the right choice of land. Land and its choice depends on many factors. Land is acquired not only for the construction of a house, but also a cottage, a manor, a summer house, and so on. Basically, land plots are purchased for individual construction. By individual type is meant the summer, garden and garden version of construction. The rules or criteria for the purchase of land include:

1. The shape of the plot. Favorable option for the acquisition is the square shape of the land. Also in demand areas of rectangular shape. Also among the sites for sale are L - shaped forms. This option is suitable for those who have everything planned in advance with the construction and arrangement of the yard. If you plan to build a simple house, it is recommended to purchase a square plot.

2. Soil plot. Before buying, be sure to check the quality of the soil. Since not all types of soil are suitable for building a house. Some types are suitable for laying the foundation, others for soil piles. It is also important to take into account the depth of groundwater. The foundation level must lie deeper.

3. Communications are electricity, gas, water, sewage. Almost all land plots imply independent connection of communications. But it is also possible to buy with ready-made communication systems. You also need to know that the site without communications is cheaper, but the cost of connecting communications will take more. In the absence of water supply, you can install a well. Heating can be installed by gas or electrically. Sewerage can be installed in the form of a septic tank.

4. Infrastructure. This criterion includes transport supply, proximity to the highway. In addition to the infrastructure, you can include shops, hospitals, pharmacies, schools, kindergarten, bank, post office and much more. The presence of such infrastructures affects the price of land.

5. The location of the land. These rules include the presence of reservoirs and rivers. It is important to know whether hazardous and chemical wastes are discharged into water bodies. The presence of water affects the local sewers.

6. The location of adjacent areas. When purchasing, you need to carefully examine the distance from other sites from your own. Also important are such criteria as elevation, inclination, plane of the site. It is better to acquire a plot that is located on a hill or flat land. It is also important that areas of neighbors are not higher.

7. Safety of the environmental side. Before buying you need to assess the site. The main thing that there were no chemical and harmful emissions and waste dumps.

Also important is the paperwork. In this case, for help, you need to contact a specialist:

How to make land in the property

According to the legislation of Belarus, it is possible to become an owner of land in several cases: by purchasing land, having received it as an inheritance or as a gift, after exchanging land with another owner and after privatization. To get a land plot into ownership, you will need to collect a number of documents that are needed for entering the owner’s name into a single register of owners, and only after that the land owner will be able to fully dispose of his land plot: sell it, donate, pass it on.

This can be done not only immediately after a private individual has acquired or received a land plot, but also after a long use of land. If the owner of the land has not entered his name in the unified register of owners, his land plot is considered the property of Belarus and after the death of the owner of the land will be transferred not to persons who are in the first stage of the inheritance, but to the state.

How to become the owner of the land:

You can become the owner of a land plot without payment, if by the time of registration of the owner in a single register he has a land plot in his use for more than five years, is a member of a large family or is working in a specialty that complies with the laws of the region. However, even if the land plot was registered in the property for free, becoming its owner, the owner of the land will have to pay land tax in accordance with the tax code of Belarus.

How to privatize a land plot:

You can also privatize land for free. This possibility is given if the plot was in use before the land code came into force, was used to build private housing, cultivate a garden, vegetable garden or was in unrestricted use, which, it should be noted, ceases after privatization. The term of privatization is not limited by law: it is possible to privatize a land plot at any time, however, if the land will be used for building various structures on it, it should be privatized prior to the start of construction work in order to become a full owner. To do this, you must provide any of the documents that confirms the existence of rights to use the land plot.

How to buy land from the state:

You can also buy out the state plot, however, the price will be somewhat higher than the same deal, but with the owner of another land plot, as the state puts up lots for bidding, where prices are obviously higher than the prices for which the owners sell their lots.

How to sell the land:

In order to sell a land plot that has not been used before for farming, first of all it should be put up for auction. It should be remembered that by exposing the land to the auction, you can at any time remove it from the auction.

Those who wish to purchase a land plot submit an application of their desire and expose the amount for which they are ready to purchase a land plot, however, just like the land plot owner, they can withdraw their application at any time. The minimum price for a land plot is its cadastral value. The owner of the land becomes the one who offers the highest amount for it. Losers in the auction have the right to take a deposit - the amount they offered for the purchase of land.

Advantages for the privatization of land:

A significant advantage in the privatization of the land plot is the private property built on the plot - a house, a bathhouse, a garage. Having such property and having issued it, the owner of the land plot legitimizes his right to own land, which he can provide during the privatization of the land plot. This will help to significantly save money, because for the land on which nothing is built, according to the law, it is necessary to pay more than for a plot with buildings.

Price of land:

One of the most important factors affecting the price of a land plot is its regional location. From in what region the site is located, its price will directly depend. For example, land plots in Minsk and Minsk Region are much more expensive than land plots on the periphery of Belarus.

You can see a video-review of this house “Mirage”:

If you are interested in information resources where you can buy a plot of land in belarus, minsk and minsk region , you may:

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