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Land plots: Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 667 “On withdrawal and provision of land plots”

Land plots: Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 667 “On withdrawal and provision of land plots”  KGK is preparing to withdraw land with protracted. What should land owners do? Build a budget, pre-fabricated wooden house!

Today, the state control committee is actively preparing changes to legislative acts regulating the procedure for seizing vacant land plots received by applicants through an auction. Here it is important to clarify that this applies to cases where the plots have been idle undeveloped for many years.

This problem has been raised not once and at different levels. Initially, the question was raised about the withdrawal of land allocated for free. Their owners are people in need of better housing conditions. A little later, those land plots that were acquired at auction were also woven into this topic.

Addresses and phone numbers of village councils for sale, auction and provision of land plots (Minsk region) Click!

Information resources where you can buy a plot of land (Belarus, Minsk and Minsk region) Click!

In 2006, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 87 “On some measures to reduce unfinished residential houses and summer cottages under construction” was issued. In 2007, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 667 “On withdrawal and allocation of land plots”. Based on these documents, in which changes, additions and corrections were made in subsequent years, the conservation period ended March 1, 2015.

It was to this date that the owners of the land plots were supposed to build a foundation, walls, a roof and windows on the site. The executive committees received a special right to withdraw plots from violators and then to evaluate them through an auction. The process started, but not as actively as we would like.

The State Control Committee during the monitoring of the Minsk region revealed a huge number of vacant land plots. These territories were allocated for residential development. It is important to note here that the plots are located in such areas demanded among the population as Borovlyansky, Zhdanovichsky, Ostroshitsko-town, etc. There are 57 plots in Borovlyany. Their cadastral value exceeds $ 1 million. In Ratomka - such 37 sites.

What solution of this problem does the state control committee see? Amendments to the legislation so that you can withdraw plots, resell them, involving the money received in the economic turnover, budget replenishment. It is clear that this initiative will be implemented in the near future. Many land owners will lose their plots, and with them the dreams of building their own home. How can this situation be resolved?

The solution is simple: build a cheap wooden house.

Who can say that this is impossible due to an objective reason - the high cost of building materials and construction services in Belarus. In fact this is not true.

Today wooden house-building is actively developing - not a new kind of activity, but having good prospects and demand not only in Belarus, but also in many foreign markets. No one offers to go to the leshoz, write out a felling ticket, then go to the forest, cut down the pines, bring them to the construction site and construct a log house. It is long, inconvenient, and from a financial point of view is not practical. It is much easier to contact a company that specializes in the manufacture of wooden houses. As a rule, they are armed with modern woodworking technologies, which allows them to produce high-quality wall material from logs with minimal cost: profiled timber, glued laminated timber and rounded logs. These materials are characterized by a high rate of thermal insulation, durable in operation and resistant to various negative factors, provided that they will be carried out a special protective training.

Why choose an inexpensive wooden house?

Firstly, wood in Belarus, as raw materials and building materials is quite common. Secondly, the price for it does not increase, as for imported building materials, as the forest is Belarusian. Thirdly, the wooden house is environmentally friendly, contributing to the improvement of air due to the volatile substances released from the resin, which work like phytoncides in onions or garlic. Fourthly, the modern wooden house is beautiful, has a well-developed interior design, so it is comfortable and convenient to live in it. Fifth, even a person who has never done this is able to assemble a wooden house: the elements of the house that are ready for installation are brought from the woodworking workshop, which makes it possible to assemble a single structure from them, like a children's designer.

Based on all the above, it turns out that losing a land plot only because it is empty is wrong, because with small financial expenses you can leave it, and at the same time get a good wooden house in which you can live year-round. To the question "where to get the project of a wooden house, which could be built for relatively little money," we will answer: in the company "Archiline".

It was our specialists who developed the house from a bar costing only 35,700 rubles (the price includes the construction of the foundation and full installation). Agree, this is relatively little money for which you can build a house. In particular, we are talking about the project "Kolchuga".

The total area of ​​this four-room house is 48 sq.m. Residential - 40 sq.m. In fact, this is an area that corresponds to the standard two-room apartment in a five-story panel house. Is it possible to compare the quality of life in a stuffy city apartment with a wooden house ?! Hardly.

The house has three bedrooms: one on the first floor, two - on the second, made in the form of an attic. The project includes a kitchen, bathroom, living room. Actually, it has everything for the life of a family of three or four people. This wooden house can also be used as a country house.

Actually, by building a house out of a bar according to the Kolchug project, you can easily avoid the consequences of changing the legislation that specialists of the state control committee are preparing today, and if necessary in the future, implement a plot with a house for big money, which is quite possible and justified by the current and future situation on the real estate market in Belarus.

If you wish, you can save. The price of a wooden house designed by Kolchug for self-assembly is slightly more than 23,000 rubles. Moreover, the company "Archiline" will provide detailed instructions for assembling a house from a bar. Installation work does not take much time, due to modern trends that have emerged in the production of wooden houses.

The fact is that engineers-architects find original ways of locking connections of the corners of the log house, other methods of quick installation. Most of the problems are solved already at the stage of production of wall material. high-precision woodworking equipment allows to obtain high-quality building material.

The price of the house from a bar includes: a set of walls from glued profiled timber, truss system with crate, floor board, decking, wind eaves, plastic windows, ladder, cement-sand tile, foundation plan and much more, without which to build wooden house is not possible.

Thus, building a house according to the project “Kolchuga” you solve two problems at once: leave the land plot behind you and acquire a cozy and beautiful house.

You can see a video-review of this house “Mirage”:

If you are interested in land plots: decree of the president of the republic of belarus no. 667 “on withdrawal and provision of land plots” , you may:

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