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Construction exhibition MosBuild 2023, from March 28 to 31, 2023 at Crocus Expo, Moscow

The MosBuild 2023 exhibition of building and finishing materials will be held from March 28 to 31, 2023 in Moscow, at Crocus Expo, Moscow.

Attention please! In the case of COVID-19 the place, termes and dates of performance of the exhibit can be changed in 2023. Be updated on provider's website.

For more than 20 years, Moscow has hosted the MosBuild exhibition, known to many specialists in the construction industry. This event will once again attract their attention from March 28 to 31, 2023.

The meeting place will traditionally be Moscow, Crocus Expo, where the main action MosBuild-2023 will unfold. It is here that the opportunity will be presented to learn about current trends in the construction industry, interior design, new types of finishing materials and much more, which is of paramount importance for companies and private interested parties. The scale of MosBuild is also evidenced by the fact that it is one of the five largest exhibitions in the world.

Organizer MosBuild: ITE Group

Year established MosBuild: 1995

Frequency of the exhibition: every year

The participants of the MosBuild 2023 exhibition will be given the opportunity to show their products, talk about the technologies used. According to preliminary data, about 70 thousand people will be able to see and hear all this.

This is the number of visitors to MosBuild that happens annually. They come from different regions of Russia, countries of near and far abroad.

Why is MosBuild so popular? Long-term experience of its implementation proves the high efficiency of this tool in the promotion of construction services and technologies. Each exhibitor has a unique chance to find new business partners and customers for further fruitful cooperation.

MosBuild exhibition in Moscow opens the door to a new quality business, behind which are increased sales volumes, new points of sale and offers of products and services. Who will be exhibiting at MosBuild 2023? Of course, interested parties: managers and specialists of specialized companies involved in the construction, repair, design and development of interior design, etc.

What will they be offered? Finishing and building materials in the assortment of more than one and a half thousand companies from 44 countries. Of course, this is a chance to find new partners in the supply of building materials that meet high modern standards. A visit to the MosBuild 2023 exhibition in Moscow will allow you to learn a lot of new things from the world of construction services, about current trends, new promising materials, collections of finishing materials that will allow you to realize the most ambitious creative plans of designers and architects.

View project White House glued beam wooden house 207 m²

At the same time, this exhibition is not a place for an idle stay at it. It is here that you can lay the foundations for the successful implementation of plans, ideas, because to find those who will share work at the exhibition will not be a difficult task.
The most complex projects will be easily implemented when there are appropriate technologies for this. It is these technologies that will be presented at the exhibition by leading world companies. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that from year to year the event leads in the number of product groups:

- building franchise Archiline Houses

- building materials;

- materials for decoration;

- plumbing equipment;

- ceramic tile;

- locks and doors;

- electrical and lighting equipment;

- wallpaper;

- curtains;

- cornices;

- blinds;

- floor coverings;

- facades;

- ceramic roof;

- windows and window systems;

- gates;

- equipment and machinery for construction;

- a tool.

The construction of wooden houses is a branch of economic activity that has always required significant financial injections. Therefore, the issue of saving money, reducing the cost of construction services have always been a priority consideration.

This applies not only to large-panel, reinforced concrete construction, but also to wooden housing construction. It is in this sector of the industry that the conditions have developed under which a manufacturing company is able to offer its client to build a house from profiled timber or a house from glued timber, or a house from logs at a low price.

The process of formation of the final price begins even in the forest plot, where with a special approach, reasonableness, well-thought-out steps determine the method of least costly work. As a result, harvested wood is relatively inexpensive. Then the resulting material is sent for processing.

Building technologies, by the way, are diverse in their decisions, therefore, depending on the desired result, one or another method is used in working with logs. Modern woodworking equipment opens up wide opportunities for obtaining high quality lumber. Such lumber is used to quickly implement a project of a wooden house of any complexity and in full compliance with current standards.

Without going into details of how a house kit is made of timber, we note that in the end its cost becomes more than affordable for consumers with an average income level. Of course, all these advantages are achieved through the introduction of modern technologies and equipment.

In some cases, developers choose the path of least resistance, preferring technology that allows you to build frame houses. She has a lot of advantages and the same number of disadvantages. Of the positive, low cost is most often called, and of the negative, fragility.

The world and technology are changing, as the MosBuild exhibition, which will be held in Moscow from March 28 to 31, 2023, will confidently declare. It is possible that in the near future, one of the participants in this event will present a frame house project, which in its operational qualities will approach a wooden house. And, perhaps, this will not happen, but still the exhibition will certainly be interesting, will provide its visitors with a lot of positive emotions.

MosBuild exhibition will open access to new generation building and finishing materials. Such materials see the future. This is precisely the idea brought by experts who draw the prospects of the construction industry for the near future.

The exhibition will give an answer to the most important question, which, due to unfavorable trends in the global economy, has been actualized to the extreme extent: which of the construction companies, companies manufacturing building materials, construction equipment will be able to stay in conditions of fierce competition present in the global and individual countries of the world ?!

Looking ahead, you can catch the answer, albeit partial: those companies that will restructure their work on time, begin to use modern technology, advanced techniques in achieving production goals will stay afloat. And many of the market participants have already grasped the emerging trend, so they declare their participation in the MosBuild 2023 exhibition, where they will be able to further advance in solving the tasks and plans.

The MosBuild exhibition will be interesting and useful for visiting ordinary people who are just thinking about building a house from a beam, about repairing a house from a log. After all, it is here that they can find answers to many questions of interest to them. For example, how to cheaply repair a house from an array ?!

Of course, if you use high-quality and affordable construction materials. Their wide assortment will be presented at the MosBuild exhibition, which will open its doors on March 28 at Crocus Expo, in Moscow. Having a clear idea of ​​the available technologies, building materials, it becomes easier to create a project of a wooden house, or rather its decoration or major repairs.

Not in last place in modern construction - energy-saving technologies. Heat, electricity, water - those consumables that should be used with particular efficiency, because they are becoming more expensive every year. Therefore, anyone interested in such innovative developments should visit the MosBuild exhibition.

Here, windows, doors, electrical and lighting equipment, roofing, facades and much more will be of most interest, without which it is difficult to imagine the process of building or repairing houses, buildings and structures.

What else excites representatives of the construction industry? Of course, the ability to build beautifully. Aesthetics has not lost its significance in modern architecture. And the construction materials of the new generation fully contribute to this. They will be in a wide assortment presented at the MosBuild exhibition.

Archiline Houses will also be represented at MosBuild. Main specialization: development of projects, production of wooden houses and structures, manufacture of new generation building materials, including round logs, profiled timber and glued timber.

Company address Archiline Houses: 220049 Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Nekrasov 114, office 49
+375 17 287 80 20
+375 29 6 200 567 Velcom
+375 29 8 060 567 MTS

Official website of the organizer

If you are interested in construction exhibition mosbuild 2023, from march 28 to 31, 2023 at crocus expo, moscow , you may:

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                          114-49, Necrasov str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220049

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