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The exhibition «Beautiful Houses. Russian architectural Salon – 2022»

International Architectural-Building and Interior Exhibition "Beautiful Homes. Russian Architectural Salon"

From October 20 to October 23, 2022, the capital of the Russian Federation will host an important event for specialists in the construction industry, as well as for all ordinary people interested in building a wooden residential house, ordering a turnkey wooden house, developing a wooden house design and other specialized services event: exhibition "Beautiful houses. Russian Architectural Salon. "

Attention please! In the case of COVID-19 the place, termes and dates of performance of the exhibit can be changed in 2022. Check the organizer's official site for the latest actual information.

Two-bedroom glued-beam wooden house, project "Health"

Wooden construction in all its diversity will be presented at: Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC. Sponsorship in organizing this event will be provided by the Russian West company, the magazine Beautiful Homes. The exhibition will be held under the auspices of the Union of Moscow Architects and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce.

Canadian-style wooden house with a terrace - project "System"

Everyone who becomes a participant or visitor of this event will understand that the construction of houses today is put on new technological footing, and the applied methods, methods fully meet the requirements of the most stringent standards, which allows us to achieve the desired goal: to build wooden houses, frame houses, houses from timber, log houses, houses from logs, houses from glued beams, houses from profiled timber, as well as other outbuildings, for example, wooden baths aesthetically, practically and financially entertaining.

The XI International Architectural-Building and Interior Exhibition "Beautiful Homes. Russian Architectural Salon" is an event that attracts the attention of professionals from many regions of Russia and Western Europe. Those trends that were laid down from the first days of the exhibition determined its success, attractiveness to a wide interested audience.

Wooden houses are not only buildings that are assembled from hand-made logs, they are also innovations - special methods of wood processing, techniques that allow producing profiled timber, round logs, glued timber, i.e. such materials whose performance superior to traditional analogues. Therefore, the organizers tried to give the international architectural-construction and interior exhibition "Beautiful houses. The Russian Architectural Salon is an innovative format to meet current trends.

It is easy to find projects of single-story houses, glued-beam houses, timber-frame houses, timber production, cottage projects, and much more, because The exhibition is strictly structured so that both participants and visitors can better navigate it. The exhibition presents wooden houses at affordable prices, but at the same time there is no infringement on their functionality, comfort, aesthetics.

Last 2020, the exhibition was presented by architectural bureaus, design studios, design workshops, which brought thousands of works to the court of professionals and ordinary people: projects of wooden houses, glued-beam houses, as well as building and finishing materials, much more that is needed in the decision such a big task as the construction of a turnkey house. These were, both already implemented projects, and recently designed, combined into two concepts: "Production and construction of wooden houses" and "Architecture, construction, design, technology".

Autumn is a special time for professional builders and ordinary citizens looking for the opportunity to build a wooden house with their own hands or by ordering such a service in a specialized company. The fact is that during these three months the results of the past construction season are summed up and plans for the future are determined.

Such exhibitions as the XI International Architectural-Building and Interior Exhibition "Beautiful Homes. Russian Architectural Salon" help to understand the direction in which direction it is precisely the way to help that projects of wooden houses are realized in houses from timber, into houses from logs, in frame houses, etc.

It is here that new architectural trends, construction technologies that shape tomorrow's trends are presented to the general public, are oriented towards reducing the cost of construction and finishing materials, and, ultimately, at a general reduction in the price of wooden houses. This is due to the optimization and improvement of the production process, which never stops.

What can participants and visitors expect from the International Architectural-Construction and Interior Exhibition "Beautiful Homes. Russian Architectural Salon"? Of course, a diverse display of all the achievements of the construction industry. In particular, the section "Russian Architectural Salon" will attract special attention, where the latest achievements in the field of construction and design will be presented, the authors of which are Russian and foreign architects and designers.

Each section participant will get a chance to advance their idea, experience to a new level, bringing it closer to implementation. For example, a wooden house project created in a certain style will receive an assessment from the audience and a professional jury, based on which it will be possible to conclude how commercially successful and profitable this project will be in the short term.

Wooden houses can be built in different ways, therefore, getting one or another effect that affects the cost of the final product, the service rendered. Such knowledge is important in the formation of new requests in the market, so you need to guess future trends and rely on it.

The exhibition in Moscow will contribute to this. In addition, here you can learn how to turn an old wooden house into a better wooden house, paying attention to such aspects as repairing a wooden house, wiring in a wooden house, cladding a wooden house, painting a wooden house, floors of a private wooden house, as well as an answer will be given to the question "how to insulate a wooden house."

A lot of new things at the exhibition will be devoted to utilities, landscape design, and everyone will be able to take a look at the interior of a wooden house, furnished according to all modern canons. Here, the two sections will be most significant:

- beautiful wooden houses;

- interior interiors.

So, "Beautiful wooden houses" will fully reflect the environmental friendliness of wooden housing construction. This section of the exhibition will be at the mercy of companies that produce environmentally friendly profiled timber, logs and glued timber.

A special role here, of course, belongs to machine-tool woodworking - low-cost and providing maximum economic efficiency. According to these technologies, projects of houses and cottages, projects of country houses, projects of two-story houses will be presented, that is, these will be turnkey house projects.

But those who are looking for bright design and architectural solutions should definitely visit the exposition "Salon of interiors of wooden houses." Here items and products made by leading companies will find their place. This list should include windows, doors, fireplaces, furniture, lighting equipment and appliances, ceiling materials and flooring materials, etc.

The international architectural-construction and interior exhibition "Beautiful Wooden Houses. The Russian Architectural Salon" will present works in such sections as:

- "Architecture of wooden houses" (project capitalization; lighting elements; designing in an individual style; landscape design,);

- "House" (houses from a gas-silicate block, frame houses, wooden houses; wall materials; roofing and insulation; engineering and communications systems; artificial / natural stone; landscape gardening furniture; barbecue);

- "Design of a wooden house" (technical solutions for styling the interior; furniture design and decor);

- "Interior of a wooden house" (furniture; decoration materials; floor coverings; ceramics; entrance and interior doors, sanitary equipment; doors / windows; stair systems; paints; stoves; varnishes; lighting; fireplace installations.

Thus, visitors to the Moscow exhibition "Beautiful Homes" will have a unique opportunity not only to see, study the latest technologies for building wooden houses, but also to use them in practice and gain access to modern building materials. In particular, it will be easy to order turnkey house projects here, as well as complete the construction of a turnkey wooden house on them.

But the direct participants of the exhibition will find new business partners for themselves, measure their promising opportunities and orient themselves in future plans and, of course, will find many customers for themselves. Ready houses, in order to become such, must be built, and for this it is necessary to observe a lot of key points, conventions and obligations. Thus, wooden houses become reliable fortresses for people living in them.

At the exhibition, two professional competitions will be held among the participants: "Beautiful Homes 2022", in which architects will take part; and Beautiful Apartments 2022 ", where the main roles will be given to interior designers. Specialists will present the best projects of wooden houses, as well as design solutions for the interiors of apartments to the jury.

The exhibition in Moscow is also an opportunity for professional growth, raising the level of professional knowledge, own competence in certain issues of wooden house-building. The event will include consultations and discussions between architects, designers, manufacturers of building materials.

For example, now, for all relevant issues, you can contact the specialists of the Archiline Log Houses company, which has been operating for many years in the markets of Belarus, Russia, the CIS countries, the Middle East, and Western Europe. This company specializes in providing a full range of construction services, i.e. all that is connected with wooden houses, cottages, etc.

Archiline Log Houses produces high-quality building materials made of wood: profiled timber, glued timber, logs. In addition, the company is a representative of European companies that produce roofing materials, as well as all kinds of wood protection products - paints, oils, impregnations, etc.

It is possible to buy a wooden house in Belarus that would ideally combine the position of "price-quality" for today in this company and this is not an unfounded statement. From the first days of the emergence of Archiline Log Houses, the company strove to establish a production process that meets the requirements of the present. A lot of work was done, which allowed to build wooden houses cheaply and efficiently.

The result was the receipt by Archiline of the European certificate of production ETA 14/0367, which confirms its high prestige in the markets of different countries and a positive image among customers and business partners.

The company "Archiline" provides the following types of services:

- Production of wall building materials of environmentally friendly and high quality;

- turnkey design of houses;

- Housing construction: houses from glued beams, houses from logs, houses from profiled beams, wooden cottages, etc.

Archiline Log Houses Company Address:

220049 Republic of Belarus, Minsk, ul. Nekrasov 114, office 49


+375 17 287 80 20

+375 29 6 200 567 Velcom

+375 29 8 060 567 MTS

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