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Bath with a swimming pool "Andrew"

Bath with a swimming pool "Andrew"
Wooden sauna, Banya, Bathhouse"Andrew"
The number of rooms2 rooms, 1st floor, steam room, relaxation room, swimming pool
Total area35 sq.m.
Wall materialProfiled glued laminated timber

Today, almost every owner strives to ensure that there is a bathhouse with a pool made of timber on his suburban area. After all, a bath can never be replaced by a shower or a bath. It has been known since ancient times that being in a bath has a positive effect on a person's condition and health. A bath with a pool from a bar is an excellent folk remedy for combating diseases of the joints, it allows you to get rid of insomnia, relieve fatigue, and improve blood circulation. The bathhouse is a place where a person can relax, forget about everyday affairs and problems, recharge with energy and vivacity. Each owner, according to ancient tradition, must have a bathhouse on his site.

When building this structure, it is very important to choose the right material. A bath with a pool from a bar has a number of advantages. This structure is of excellent quality, and, importantly, it is affordable. The wooden bath keeps warm well and reliably. The construction is characterized by excellent water-repellent properties. For construction, it is best to use coniferous timber. In this case, a coniferous smell will always be present in the bath, thereby creating a favorable, healthy atmosphere, which has a healing effect on a person.
This material allows you to create a structure that will serve for many years without losing its appearance and characteristics.

An important advantage of the Bathhouse with a log pool is that it is very easy to build. Even a few people can handle this job. All work is carried out in a short time and does not require special construction equipment.
The quality and durability of a wooden building, of course, is primarily influenced by the quality and geometry of the material.

Most often, a beam of approximately 90 millimeters is used for construction. In some cases, its thickness can be 140 millimeters. A bath with a pool made of timber is characterized by its smooth inner surface. In most cases, when building a building from this material, interior decoration is not carried out.

The production of a bar is carried out by sawing a log into four edges. The construction process consists of stacking beams on top of each other. It is imperative to place heat-insulating material between the beams. When performing these works, flax-jute heaters are used as heat-insulating material. Timber construction, as a rule, does not shrink.
In order to protect the lower beams from destruction, it is recommended to lay a board treated with an antiseptic at the base of the building. After processing, the board is wrapped on three sides with roofing felt, the outer side remains unchanged.

A bath with a pool from a bar must have a good ventilation system, which will extend its service life. The ventilation system will allow the bath to cool down faster after its use, as well as regulate the humidity in the room, since high humidity can cause the decay process for a short period of time.
The timber structure has an attractive appearance and does not require additional external finishing.

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