Winter house Winter house The construction of winter houses has long been a common practice in the Scandinavian countries. This is the kind of housing that allows a person to leave the city in the winter season and spend time away from the noise of city streets, car exhaust, to recover emotionally in order to get to work with renewed vigor. The winter house is a special type of building and differs from the summer options for houses. Firstly, you can live in it all year round. Secondly, it is built on energy-saving technology, so even in the most severe frosts heating a house is not expensive. Thirdly, a winter house is an excellent investment in the future, which allows not only to save money without inflationary losses, but also to increase it over the years, because real estate is growing in value, including the secondary market.
Winter construction of a wooden house:The benefits of a winter home A winter house is usually built of wood. In use, profiled timber, logs, glued timber. It is these building materials that allow you to build winter houses cheaply, quickly and efficiently. They are built according to a long-established technology that combines the established traditions of architecture and modern approaches in woodworking. Already in the name itself - the winter house - there is an understanding that a residential building can be operated even with an extreme drop in air temperature. This is achieved through the proper processing of wood and the use of new heat-insulating materials that are safe for human health. The very essence of such a house lies in the fact that it is assembled from wooden building materials. It is wood that has the necessary characteristics:
What are winter houses built of? Turnkey winter houses are built from:
How to build a winter house? For example, take a winter one-story house made of timber. The first stage is laying the foundation. The type of foundation is selected based on financial capabilities, characteristics of the land (type of soil, topography, proximity of groundwater). It should be noted that a winter house made of timber or a winter house made of logs is relatively not heavy, and therefore does not require a massive foundation. The second stage of construction is the laying of the first crown. Before this, they perform waterproofing work to protect the logs from concrete. The first crown is carefully impregnated with protective agents - an antiseptic. Thanks to this, the winter house can be operated much longer. The third stage is the installation of a lag and a rough floor. The fourth stage is the erection of walls. Here, special attention should be paid to the technology of laying wall elements, because it is very important that the winter house made of timber remains warm even in the most severe frosts. The fifth stage - upon reaching the walls of a height of three meters, the ceiling logs are laid, and then the rafter system is assembled. The sixth stage is started when almost the entire skeleton of the house is built, there is a roof. This stage involves work on home insulation. If the winter house is made of glued beam, then this type of work can be started immediately, but when using other wall materials - profiled timber or logs - the winter house should be insulated after 4-7 months, when it shrinks. Features winter house
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