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Horse Stables (for 10 horses)
project "Babylon"

Horse Stables (for 10 horses)

Stables designs can be ordered from our site or directly from our office "Archiline" Phone Number: +375-296-20-05-67 (Viber-WhatsApp-Telegram)

Stable for horses for 10 stalls, project "Babylon" - if you like your horse build her a house from a real beam, according to the Babylon project from the best builders. The project "Babylon" does not suffer the fate of the stables from the boards (actually sheds). The wooden stable from the Babylon bar will be inherited and may someday become a hotel, farmstead or a popular bar.


Such a dwelling for a horse would be no worse than a house in people. In a stable from a bar it is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Or maybe you immediately want to build a stable with a hotel. And make money on horse rental and hotel business? Then the hotel can be built as a house with rooms and a stable will be located nearby.

In such a hotel with a stable, horses and people will have a great rest. It is so great to come to rest with the horses and feel the real life. Do not wait, but act! Below is the initial information about the stables and hotels, but it is better to contact our staff and we will tell you the details of the construction.

Horse stable "Babylon" (for 10 horses): Horse Stables

The plan of the Babylon stable for horses (for 10 horses):

The interior of the wooden stable "Babylon" (for 10 horses): Horse Stables

The project of the Babylon stable for horses (for 5 horses): Horse Stables

Horse Stables

Sketches of the facades of the Babylon stable: Horse Stables

Hotel "Pegasus" which can be built next to the Babylon stable:

Sauna "Aurora" which can be built next to the Babylon stable:

Stable for horses. What you need to consider before you start building a stable for horses: The horse spends most of his life in the stable. Here she eats, sleeps, rest and gets strength. It should be light, dry and without drafts. The horse has its size and strength, sensitive to the conditions of keeping the animal. From the wrong content of the horse to the illness one step. This can be avoided by making a good house for a horse. A stable for a horse can be bought and built with the company Archiline.

The construction of a stable on a turn-key basis at the best price is what our company does at a professional level. Projects and ideas for the construction of stables. Begin work on construction with the selection or manufacture of the project stables. The project of the stables can be bought or ordered by specialists of our company. You can download the finished project from the Internet or sketch the basic plans yourself. But it is better to do the project with our company because when you order a stable at us for an excellent price it will cost you for free. We know that the stable project should take into account:

  • In the stable it should be convenient for both grooms and horses.
  • There should be rooms for feed, ammunition and inventory
  • The size of the stall is 4 square meters. m per horse or - 3 m length and width from 1.5 meters
  • Horses need to turn easily in the stall
  • There must be a passage sufficient to deploy the horse and put it at the interchanges, that is at least a half meter.
  • The standard project of a stable for six horses.
  • High ceilings of the stables - better ventilation.
  • Optimal ceiling height of five meters
  • Additional ventilating devices allow a ceiling height of three meters.
  • Stables along the length are located in the area with a cold climate from north to south, with a mild climate - from east to west.
  • Horses are herd animals
  • The stalls should be near so that the horses can see each other.
  • If horses are less than 10 stallions arranged in a row along the passage
  • If horses are more than 10 - the boxes are in 2 rows
  • A typical project of a stable is cheaper than an individual one.

Choosing a place to build a stable. When building a stable, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Groundwater. The depth of occurrence is more than a meter from the basement foundation.
  • In other cases it is necessary to make a good drainage system
  • It is better to choose a place for the stables on a hill that does not fill up after rain and melting snow.
  • Dampness in the stables badly affects the legs, and this is the working organ of the horse. The rotting of the arrows of the hooves may begin.
  • If there is no elevation, you can pour it.
  • It is better not to build on sandy areas and marshy areas. For the walking of horses sand and dirt are unsuitable, it is necessary to bring in the soil.
  • Wind direction. The stable is placed so that the winds blow in the corner or the end
  • The door to the stable is made on the leeward side.
  • The stable is not designed to live in living quarters.
  • Good access roads will facilitate the road to the stables for owners and special vehicles.
  • After the construction of the stables, garbage and construction waste in the ground should be absent.
  • The stable itself is a small part for the maintenance of horses territory.
  • Need a levada where the horses will walk
  • Storage room for hay and feed
  • Horse training area
  • Territory for storing manure.

General design of the stables:

  • The stable plan is a typical project, modification of a typical project or a completely new design.
  • The company Archiline designs with the help of specialized computer programs.
  • A ready project is provided to local authorities, for permission to build stables
  • At this stage, calculate the cost of building a stable
  • At this stage, the stables for the business plan are calculated - if this is a commercial project
  • When designing, the company Archiline makes an estimate with the cost of materials, services of builders, communications;
  • Individual project - protection against unforeseen expenses

Design of the walls of the stables:

  • Wooden walls of stables of logs or logs are a fortress built and operational qualities - thermal conductivity and ease of maintenance of the microclimate necessary for horses.
  • The thickness of the walls of the stable depends on the climatic zone
  • In a warm climate the walls are thinner in the cold - thicker (calculated when designing).
  • Under the same conditions, the wooden wall of the stables is thinner than the brick wall.
  • Wooden walls in frost should not freeze through and keep the temperature at least 10 degrees of heat.
  • For the area where the minus lasts 2 or more months, the thickness of the wooden walls is from 16 to 20 cm.
  • The construction of a wooden stables under the key is an option for the best price of the project
  • The company Archiline has experience in the protection of wood that maximizes its use

Design of the foundation and the roof of the stables:

  • The foundation is laid with a waterproof material,
  • The roof is inclined. Gable or one-run with an attic and a hayloft.
  • The height of the eaves of the gable roof is 2 meters or more. A horse above 4 m.
  • The lower edge of the slope of the saddle roof from the foundation 3 and the white meter.
  • Roofing materials - tiles or soft roofing.
  • At a sufficient height, equip a loft for hay.

Doors in the stables:

  • Doors have a height and width to pass the horse with the rider.
  • Approximate dimensions are 2.5 meters and 1.5 meters.
  • A dual design is desirable, the top of the door can be opened independently of the bottom for rapid ventilation
  • Two locks on the door - Horses quickly learn to open the bolts.
  • The first bolt for the upper opening part, the second bolt 10-15 cm from the floor.
  • The upper edge of the bottom of the door is covered with an iron sheet so that the horses do not chew it.
  • The door parts fit tightly together, without drafts.
  • The partitions between the stalls are made of unpainted planks.
  • The height is 2.5 meters.
  • The lower part of the stalls is 1.5 meters high, the upper one - with gaps, so that the horses can see each other.
  • Sometimes partitions in the stable are made folding.

Stable floor design:

Clay (classic) floor stables:

  • Cheap, easy to build and repaired. soft for hooves.
  • The lack of an adobe floor is a complicated sanitization and absorption of equine excrement.
  • Any floor has a slope of 1 - 1.5 cm / meter of floor.

Cement floor of stables:

  • easy to clean, does not allow moisture and racks.
  • Drains outside, inside the drain.
  • In the back of the stall, a drainage hole is made, the floor is given a slope, so that the urine drains into the drainage.
  • Lack of cement floor - hardness and cold, you have to make a wooden floor or constantly pour a layer of sawdust.

Wooden floor stables:

  • a pit with a depth of 30 cm is filled with crushed stone, and the board is covered with a board 5 cm thick.
  • On the perimeter of the stables is laid a drainage ditch 50 cm deep.

Stable ceiling:
- Thick ceiling from boards of 5 sm thick with a standard heater

Designing the windows of the stables:

  • Windows from 1.5 to 2 meters from the floor
  • The size is 50 x 70 cm.
  • The area of the windows is the eighth part of the square of the wooden walls of the stables. For the right amount of light.
  • Windows are equipped with shutters for darkening at night
  • Mosquito nets

Design of communications of the stables:

  • Electricity. In the stables there should be light in the corridor and stalls.
  • The duration of a day in the stable for horses should be 8 hours.
  • Light is needed for cleaning in stalls and courtship for horses.
  • Sockets for electrical appliances should be placed outside at the entrance door or in technical rooms or in the corridor at the entrance door. And in the recreation room of the staff.

Design of ventilation of the stables:

  • Ventilation must be mandatory!
  • Sometimes for ventilation leave a gap between the roof and the walls of the walls - so it is impossible.
  • From a draft, a horse can catch a cold.
  • Ventilation is needed - the air must be dry and clean. Which is directly related to the health of the horse.
  • Horses quickly heat the room with the warmth of the bodies, and in the stable it should always be cool.
  • Ventilation holes should be placed at different heights. This forms the draft of air.
  • Ventilation inlets are made in the stalls, and the weekend is on the roof.
  • Ventilation in the stable solves the issue of condensate.

Water supply and heating of stables:

  • Water is needed in a technical room
  • If water can not be carried out in the stable, they make room for large barrels of water.
  • A horse requires 50 liters of water per day.
  • Cold is not so terrible for horses as heat and stuffiness.
  • The temperature in the stables should be from + 5 to +15 degrees.
  • The stables are heated by standard methods, depending on the availability of fuel.

Safety in the stable:

  • Existence of fire extinguishers and boxes with sand.
  • Horses are strong animals. Frightened, they forcefully hit the doors and partitions. The strength of these elements is the basis of security.
  • Wiring and sockets should not protrude, horses should not reach them and get an electric shock.
  • Inside the stables there should be nothing, about which the horse can be injured

Materials for the construction of stables:

There are plenty of options for building stables. The best material for building a stable is a tree, worse foam blocks and brick.
Skeletons are used from great poverty, and concrete and stone are not suitable for building stables.
The wooden stables perfectly hold heat inside, and are permeable to atmospheric air and natural gas exchange. It keeps the heat well.
For the same thermal conductivity of the brick and wooden walls, the brick will have to be made several times thicker.
The price of a wooden stables is smaller, and it is faster and more convenient to build it.
For the erection of the walls of the stables from logs use logs with a diameter of 20-26
For stables from a bar - glued or profiled bar from 16 to 20 cm thick.
Stable bricks keep heat less than wood, expensive for materials and has a low work speed during construction.
Stable from foam blocks has low aesthetic value.
Frame stable - a crevice in the construction leads to the fact that the insulation is emptied, which leads to the formation of voids and reduces the thermal insulation of the room. Rodents live in voids.
The stone stable is difficult in construction, it does not hold heat well, it forms dampness.
Concrete stables - good heat from the room, subject to dampness.

Summer stable:

  • Does not require a deep foundation
  • Requirements are less. Therefore, the thickness of the walls and the thickness of the foundation can be smaller and selected by the project
  • based on the wishes and budget of the customer.

Designing the levada:

  • Levada should be near the stables, horses need to be daily and move in the fresh air.
  • Use for the construction of the fence materials that exclude injury to the horse. Ideal option - poles.

The plan of a wooden stables for 10 heads:

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