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Horse Stable Construction
project price of the stables

Horse Stable Construction

Stables designs can be ordered from our site or directly from our office "Archiline" Phone Number: +375-296-20-05-67 (Viber-WhatsApp-Telegram)

Horse stable - if you like your horse, build her a stable from a real beam, according to the project "Babylon" for 10 stalls or "Bucephalus" for 5 stalls from the best builders. Such projects will not suffer the fate of the stables from the boards (actually sheds). A wooden stable from a bar from our company will be inherited and may someday become a hotel, farmhouse or a popular bar.

Or maybe immediately build a stable with a hotel? And make money on the hotel business and rental!

In such a stable with a hotel, horses and people will rest. To come to rest and see live horses, to feel real life is wonderful!

Do not wait! Read the initial information below or contact our staff and we will tell you the details of the construction.

Horse stable "Babylon" for 10 stalls:

Horse stable "Babylon" (for 10 horses):

The plan of the Babylon stable for horses (for 5 horses):

The project of the Babylon stable for horses (for 5 horses): Horse Stable Construction

Sketch of the facade of the Babylon stable (for 5 horses): Horse Stable Construction

Bucephalus stable for horses (for 5 horses):

The plan of the wooden stable "Bucephalus" (for 5 horses):

The interior of the wooden stable "Bucephalus" (for 5 horses):

Sketch of the facade of the wooden stable "Bucephalus" (for 5 horses): Horse Stable Construction

Hotel "Pegasus" which can be built near the stables "Babylon" or "Bucephalus": Sauna "Aurora" which can be built next to the stables "Babylon" or "Bucephalus":

If you are not satisfied with these projects, Archiline's designers will develop a stable project, taking into account all the rules and regulations for keeping, breeding and caring for horses. You can make changes to the finished project. You can develop a hotel "complex with a stable" and "residential building with a stable." Unique offer "stable with living quarters on the second floor". The employees of our company are owners of horses and collaborate with horse owners and experienced horse breeders. Understand the requirements for keeping horses and creating comfortable conditions for people caring for them. The price of the preliminary design is from 2 $ / sq.m.

General information:

Technology of construction of Horse Stables.

The construction of stables in homesteads has become popular: the desire to acquire own stables is a subject characteristic not only to large organizations, but also private individuals. The demand for the design and construction of this class of buildings led to the provision of our company with services for the construction of stables. We build wooden stables out of a beam and stables from a log.

The construction of a stable for the maintenance of horses should be entrusted to professionals, since it must be carried out in accordance with special requirements and take into account a number of specific nuances. It is difficult to build a stable on its own. The construction of a stable with our company will cost you at the best price. The cost of building a stable under the key will be much cheaper for you if you put in all the necessary moments in the project of the stables. By the same it will be much easier to get a building permit. We have developed several projects for the construction of stables. Prices for projects with plans for stables can be clarified in the company. We know how to build a stable quickly and qualitatively. It is important when designing correctly to make a plan of the stables. We were faced with the situation when it was necessary to make a stable project for compiling a stable business plan for 10 to 20 horses.

The construction of a stable for sale also takes place, it is important to understand initially how much a ready stable is worth and how much it costs to build a stable.

We know that the most important characteristics of the premises for horses are frost resistance and the ability to preserve heat - the ideal material for the walls for a wooden stable on the basis of this beam or log! Special attention in drawing up the scheme of the stables will require the construction of floors: they must be strong and do not dry the hooves of animals (therefore they are often made of claybite). Ventilation of the stables is also an important point in the design of the building. It should provide access to the stable of fresh air during the frosty days. Due to a special system, air exchange must be carried out without ventilation (unlike in summer). All these nuances have to be taken into account by the owner of the horses, when building the stables.

If you are fond of horses and after the completion of the construction of your own home there is a desire to build more and stable, then there is nothing strange. Just everything must be done correctly and thought out. You can buy a stable for horses at an affordable price, but there is rarely a suitable room near the house.

First of all, you should carefully consider the choice of materials for the construction of stables. The determining factor is the economy and simplicity of the project of the planned building. The main aspect is the impossibility of penetration of cold air through the walls and partitions of the stables. Frost resistance and the ability to retain heat for a long time inside is also an important condition for the walls of the stables. The width of the stables is determined by taking into account the way horses are placed. The length of the stables, respectively, is determined by the number of animals. The growth of a horse affects the width and stall area per individual. The average stall size in the stables is about 1.5 p. M. Each individual will need 2.85 m, which in old times was 4 arshins.

This stall is called a stall, it is intended for the habitation of both ordinary and thoroughbred horses, ill or pregnant individuals. There are also placed foals. The height is better to do no more than 3.6 m. Experts consider the optimal height of the stables about 3 meters.

Special control in the manufacture of construction work should be given to the construction of floors. The experience of operating the stables indicates that the best basis for the floor can be an adobe layer that is easily repairable. And also this base has good indicators of impermeability, it does not harm the hooves of the horse and does not dry them. The thickness of the layer of the clay coating can reach 3 m, after the tamping and complete drying. At the same time, one must not forget to make a bias towards the hind legs of the horse to drain the urine. It is also important to observe certain sizes. The maximum slope of the floor of the stable is 9 cm, but it is better to make a slope of 6 cm. If the slope is exceeded, there is a chance of harm to the horse. The mares may even experience premature birth.

Current on the incline of urine falls into a special gutter for draining liquids. Its depth can be about 14-15 cm, it is desirable to make a width of up to 30 cm. This ditch must necessarily have a slope towards the discharge pit. You can bring the ditch outside the stables. Manure from the stables is cleaned through specially made windows that install on the rear walls of the stables.

When using a double-leaf door or gate in a stable, certain requirements must be observed. The doors (the gate of the stables) should be tightly closed and be wide. The jambs need to be rounded, and the doors (gates) should be fastened on strong hinges with the condition that they open outward. In the stables there should be no cracks so that drafts do not arise, and the cold wind does not blow. To ensure tight and durable closing of the door leafs (gate of the stables), special door latches should be used, one at the top and the bottom of the leaflets.

Of course, the stable must be equipped with window apertures of medium size. The optimal size for the window is 1 by 0.7 meters. The number of windows is determined from the size of the walls of the stables and, as a rule, make up one eighth of their area. The windows in the stables are made with the opening inside. In summer, a protective net is installed on them, which prevents the penetration of flies. It is advisable to darken the windows with mats from straw or matting to protect against direct sunlight.

The main requirement for the ceiling of the stables is impenetrability. When the device in the loft is hay, it is necessary to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the structure of the ceiling slabs.

Great importance is given to ventilation in the stable. In summer, air circulation is achieved through open windows and doors, but drafts must not be allowed. In the winter, windows and doors for ventilation are no longer open. Cold air is very unfavorable for stalled horses. Therefore, it is better to use a tubing ventilation system, derived through the roof of the building.

To choose the place of construction of the stables, too, you need to approach carefully. It is desirable that this is a somewhat elevated area, so that excessive dampness inside the room is not collected.

If you decide to build a stable, it is necessary first to choose the building materials that are best used for building the building, so that in the future there is no disappointment in the operation of the building. It is worth noting that the walls of the stables must keep heat inside, do not let the cold pass, and also be frost-resistant. Do not forget about the economic component of the project stables. A good option for building a stable is a timber - profiled or glued beam.

The tree makes the house for horses warm, reliable and dry. Another inexpensive material is a rounded log made of spruce or pine. In order to prevent dampness in the stables, the structure is recommended to be erected on a foundation.

Calculation of the size of the horse stables

The dimensions of the stables are calculated on the basis of the number of heads and the growth of the horses that are planned to be maintained and the intended location cost. For example, a stall can be placed in one row, which will go along the wall. In this case, after the premises where the stalls are located, we must not forget to leave the corridor, the width of which will be approximately two meters, while the smallest length of the stall should be about three meters, and the width of the whole stable in this case will be 4.5 meters.

It is necessary to take into account also that factor whether the horses in the stables will be divided among themselves. Horses are usually separated by a suspension roller. In separate stalls, horses are placed in front of the scrap, in case of illness, as well as valuable breeds. It is recommended to do 10 to 14 square meters. The height of the stables should preferably not exceed 3.6 m. The horse should have as much space as it needs to freely change the position of the body, move, turn around.

Stable floor.

Particular attention in the construction of stables must be given to the floor. Based on many years of experience, the best floor is considered adobe, because there are no problems with its repair, and it combines relative softness, strength and waterproofness, and also does not dry hooves.

The clay is mixed with the sex, then this mixture is applied uniformly about 2.5-3 meters on the floor of the stables, which is subsequently subjected to daily ramming until completely dried. When equipping the stall, it must be taken into account that it must be done with a certain inclination, and to the hind legs of the horse, as this allows the urine to be removed in a timely manner, but no more than 6-9 cm. If the bias is made more, it can cause irreparable harm to the horse's health. Especially the mares, which bear offspring, as it can provoke miscarriage. The liquid that flows down due to the slope in the stall gets into the groove located in the immediate vicinity of the stall along the corridor. The ditch is made up to 14 cm deep. At the same time, if the width is from 20 to 30 cm, then it can be smaller. In this case, it is necessary to remember and about the bias, which must be done in any one direction, so that the urine is output outside the stables or in a previously prepared pit. Manure is removed from the room through special windows located on the rear wall.

Windows in the stable.

The number of windows in the stable should be calculated on the basis that they should be about eighth of the area of ​​the building and should be located from the floor at a distance of about 2 m. It is desirable to make windows open inwards, as this will allow air to be directed upwards. It is also advisable to equip the openings with frames for a summer period, not allowing various insects (flies, gadflies) to enter the premises. For darkening, it is recommended to install strug or straw mats.

Doors in the horse stables.

When designing a door in a stable, it must be borne in mind that a horse must pass through it freely without any damage or constriction. It should be hinged, open out and close tightly. In this case, if it is planned to install wide (for example, two-leaf) doors, it is recommended to install two latches on the canvas: at the top and bottom.

The ceiling in the horse stables.

The ceiling of the stables can be made in various designs, but the basic requirement is that it is impenetrable and when planning the hayloft in the attic its fortress. For roofs of stables it is recommended to use tile or soft roofing.

Ventilation of the horse stables.

In the summer, the stable is ventilated, opening doors and windows, but it is necessary to avoid drafts. In other cases it is recommended to install ventilation pipes. It is desirable to keep the temperature inside the stables at the same level.

If possible, near the stables, it is necessary to provide for the construction of a pen for horses, in which horses can be in the daytime, not depending on the period of the year.

- The latest fashionable trend of wealthy people - the construction of their own stables. But not many people know that the construction of a stable differs from the construction of a house. Therefore, the construction and production company Archiline develops the skills of erecting special buildings and offers people to build a real stable.

As a rule, stables are not built for only one horse, at least for three. Therefore, when designing stables, you need to adhere to some nuances:
1.The choice of materials for the walls, ceiling and floors of the stables.
2.The stable must be frost-resistant.
3.Mandatory compliance with air circulation.

The most dangerous thing for horses in stalls is a draft, so it's better to take care of ventilation in advance than pay the veterinarian. Also, horses do not tolerate cold floors - this harms their hoofs. Therefore, people who keep thoroughbred horses do not stint on the heated floor for stables. As the practice of breeders shows, it is strongly recommended not to build a stable independently, if there are no special skills. It is better and more profitable to entrust such a thing to professionals.

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