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Altai Larch wood main physical properties

Altai Larch wood main physical properties The Altai larch relates to the kind of conifer, the family Pinancea. The larch has soft needles, which shanks off every autumn, as well as leafs. The name of tree is explained by this fact. The trunks, as a rule, are smooth with little quantity of knots. The larch can reach 50 cm in height for 100 years.

This kind of wood is strong to decay, fungi and insects damages. More over, the sap of larch is tight (not more than 2 cm) and it is cut in the process of logs cylindering, that is why the larch doesn’t get blue. Due to its resin peculiarities the larch has antiseptic properties, what allows wooden house to be healthy, natural and not to use chemical treatment.

Larch construction are really long-lived, its physical and mechanical properties comply with an intermediate position between coniferous or leaf species. The Altai larch perfectly resists to negative influence of water and salt. A good example is larch piles, which Venice stands on.

This wood possesses higher heat conductivity than pine. This means that in winter it is warm and in summer it is cool inside the house. According to scientific data the larch fire resistance is almost twice higher than the pine fire resistance.

One more important advantage is that the larch has very nice reddish tint. The rings are perfectly looked on cut, what adds beautiful texture to the wood. The larch grows at ecological regions of Altai and Siberia. Not the final advantage is that the larch has a lot of therapeutic properties and antioxidants, what helps to struggle against the ageing and a great number of illnesses.

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