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Catalog Particularities house with a sauna

  • Category: two-storey houses
"Black Forest" - the cost of the "heat pump" heating system is lower than the cost of laying gas over a long distance. Installation of a unique heating system for a wooden house "Black Forest" can be carried out in parallel with the production and ...
  • Category: single-storey houses
Space-saving country house with a sauna. It can be easily used as a country house or sauna. In the house there is a rest room or a living room, a small zone of kitchen, a sauna, sanitary conveniences. The total house area of this house is 80 m2. It ...
  • Category: two-storey houses
This comfortable house will satisfy all your needs. Good variant for a family of 2-5 members. "Dionis" has a large dining room and hall on the first floor, compared with a living room as well as living room and bedrooms on the second floor. Also, in ...

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114-49, Necrasov str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220049

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