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Logs of large diameter in building

Logs of large diameter in building The log house building becomes more and more popular nowadays. The main fact for this is that typical house projects and basic building materials make all the houses stereotyped. There are a few companies, which may offer individual design for their clients. One of evident difference in the wooden house variety is the log diameter.

The logs of heavy section are a tradition for a lot of countries and regions, for example Poland, Ukraine, Carpathians, Canada, the USA and Scandinavian countries. Such houses look much more solid than other houses and you can feel its natural power!

Logs of large diameter in building

To choose the logs of 28 and more cm would take a lot of time, for sure. And there are a few producers, who can procure and machine the logs of such large diameters. But nevertheless the house from large logs has less quantity of rows; more over such a house has more reliable operational characteristics.

As all wooden houses, which are built according to modern technologies, a house made from large-diameter logs saves warmth and allows cutting costs for heating and during hot time - to save cool inside. In order to protect the logs, especially of large diameter (260, 280, 300, 320 mm.) it is necessary to use different antiseptics and paints. In case of such treatment, during wood shrinkage there won’t be any problems, a wooden house will be protected and would serve for hundreds of years.

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