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Spring-type fastening “SILA” for the construction of wooden houses

Spring-type fastening “SILA” for the construction of wooden houses

Spring-type fastening “SILA” for the construction of wooden houses

Price 240 mm - 1.80 EUR Tel: + 375-296-200-567

Walls and inter-wall partitions for wooden houses are one of the main details of the entire structure, they represent the structural skeleton of the structure. In order for a wooden house to be operated for many years without additional alterations and alterations, it is necessary to approach the installation of walls with particular care.

Typically, for the assembly and attachment of wooden frame elements, houses use studs and wooden nails. Such walls are constantly out of balance, they are under the influence of free vibrational forces.

Spring-type fastening “SILA”

This effect over time turns into cracks and gaps on the walls and ceilings of the structure. As a result of such violations of the integrity of the house, inwardly atmospheric moisture and chilled air from the street leak, which soon makes the house a cold and damp room, and not a place for living.

For a more reliable installation of wooden components of the house there is a product created by modern technology and is applicable for assembling buildings from wood of any kind (from timber and logs). It is a spring bolt "Strength" for the construction of wooden houses

This small unit is constructed from a long screw, rigid spring, a pair of conventional washers and one lock. The principle of operation is that, using a screw, the wooden elements of the wall are attracted to each other, while the compression spring at one end rests against the bolt (the screw thread is immersed in the lower wooden part), while the other draws the lower wall elements to the upper ones the compressed spring remains to the limit).

Spring-type fastening “SILA”

With the help of a carved screw, the cracks between the logs disappear, it also helps with the imminent shrinkage of the new house - the logs are just constantly attracted to each other.

Since the base of the spring is ground, the force of the spring is evenly distributed throughout the entire axis of the assembly, and it itself has the right elongated shape. The thread on the screw is made in a spiral, which protects the logs from cracking during the use of the spring unit, which is especially important for softwood. The thread is quite long (about 8 cm), so there is no need to make additional holes to fix the screw. This fact significantly speeds up the process of installing a wooden house.

Washer for installation on the Spring Bolt "Strength" for the construction of wooden houses has a zinc coating, which makes the appearance of the product ergonomic and attractive. As a part of the unit, only high-quality springs are used, which have undergone a three-fold reduction at the plant, this procedure is the guarantee of the problem-free operation of the spring assembly for many years.

The originality of the product is confirmed by the presence of the trademark and the word "POWER" on the smooth part of the screw.
When working, the compression spring makes a force of about 150-180 kilograms, it is fixed during the full compression, when the coils of the spring touch each other.

Such indicators were not achieved immediately, they were painstakingly selected by specialists of the manufacturer's firm in the process of testing the prototypes of the Spring Bolt for the construction of wooden houses.

Numerous variants of diameters, density and humidity of logs and suitable compression force of the compression spring were looked through. In general, the spring bolt "Power" for the construction of wooden houses - a unique device that has many useful characteristics.

The installation of the spring bolt "SILA" for the construction of wooden houses does not require special skills and is carried out even faster and easier than the usual assembly of wooden parts. It consists of the following stages. In place of the groove on the workpiece, the jute gasket is strengthened. Following the manufacturer's recommended scheme for marking and fixing the fasteners, drilling locations are indicated.
In a flat wooden beam lying on a flat support (usually on the ground), two holes of 3.5 cm and 1.2 cm in diameter are made by a special combined drill, usually 4 knots are required for an average 4.5-meter log. The beam is placed in the space allocated to it according to the scheme of assembling the wooden house. In the prepared holes along the edges of the log spring nodes are inserted in steps of one and a half to two meters in order similar to the arrangement of chess pieces. With a screwdriver, the end of the screw of the spring assembly is screwed into the wooden part until the gap between adjacent bars disappears.

When installing spring assemblies, it should be strictly monitored that they are installed evenly around the entire perimeter of the house, rather than selectively in some places, since this arrangement is fraught with the formation of shrinkage of unreinforced areas and, as a consequence, the appearance of cracks between the wooden parts.

It is very important to purchase the original spring unit "SILA" from the licensed firm of the manufacturer, as recently the cases of selling fakes or so-called "analogues" have increased, sometimes the percentage of counterfeit parts reaches 60. When using falsified parts in construction, builders may face such problems:

- detachment of the screw head when screwing in, as well as its complete destruction;
- the sagging of the upper wooden parts on the thread of the screw when the wall is shrunk;
- the non-original springs, when used in the "POWER" unit, do not approach it by load, therefore they often burst or do not open until the end, and they are prone to rust due to the absence of a protective coating;
- in falsified spring bolts "Power" for the construction of wooden houses for the construction of wooden houses, all springs are the same length, whereas in the original units, springs of different types and different efforts.

In general, the use of counterfeits can cause great and irreparable damage to the wooden structure, making it leaky and unfit for habitation.

Using a spring bolt "Strength" for the construction of wooden houses

The construction of any wooden house (as, indeed, buildings of other materials) requires special care. After all, if you do not keep the technology, walls and partitions of the house can lead, which will affect the quality of the whole house.

Implementation of all the rules for erecting the power frame of the building will guarantee its durability. This means that the house will stand for a long time without major repairs.

The classic way of assembling a wooden house

When assembling the frame of a building from a tree, nagels and studs are usually used for fixing. Being under the influence of free forces, the construction of the wooden house begins to diverge a little. As a result, cracks and fissures are formed. Through them, cold air and moisture enter the house. This happens even when the seams between the parts of the frame are embedded with a layer of insulation. After she gets wet, home protection will drop significantly, and warm air will not be delayed.

Log, where the interventric slits are large, has insufficient thermal conductivity of the walls. In such a house it will be cold even in autumn, not to mention winter frosts. In addition, you will have constant dampness, until you correct the situation.

The use of modern technologies in the assembly of wooden log houses - the task of the spring bolt "SILA" for the construction of wooden houses

To make the construction of better quality, and the seams are minimal, in the modern construction of buildings from the timber and logs, a new generation of fastening material is used. It is called a spring bolt "Strength" for the construction of wooden houses. A mechanism is designed for screeding bars with a cross section of up to 200 millimeters. Under the influence of this fixture, any kind of timber, whether profiled or glued, is tightly fixed to the neighboring element. This method of connection is used to assemble bearing walls from boards, beams or logs.

In the scheme of this part there is a screw made of strong steel, which needs to be screwed into wooden billets intended for walls. After this, a force is applied which tightly presses the parts against each other. In this case, there will simply not be any gaps and gaps. During operation, the clamping force remains, excluding the formation of cracks.

This design of this clamping element makes it irreplaceable when assembling any and all wooden houses. This is especially important, because the tree is regularly exposed to significant environmental effects. When changing the temperature and humidity of the air, this material is in constant motion, then picking up moisture and expanding, then giving it away and shrinking.

In this case, the formation of gaps is inevitable. They are especially large between the crowns, in the landing zones and the connection of the frame. To minimize these problems, it is necessary to use a special power spring.

When the building is ready for operation, the spring firmly holds all the details of the frame in an unchanged position. The force with which the spring tries to expand is so great that the lower part is attracted to the top of the wall with a mechanical force of about one hundred and forty kilograms. As a result, the gaps between the parts of the power frame are completely absent.

A wooden house, with such a connecting element, will be airtight for the duration of its operation. That is, inside the house will always be dry and warm. This will not change even after some shrinkage of the structure of wood.

The "SILA" spring bolt for the construction of wooden houses

If you decide to build a house or other building from a bar or rounded logs, then in addition to the connecting spring "force" you need to buy a heater of good quality, preferably jute.

Rules of installation and rules for calculating the required number of springs "SILA"

In order to mount this node, a hole in diameter is first made in the tree a bit less than the fastener. After the bolt is screwed into the structure, it fully clamps the parts located side by side.

Experts estimated that the house of an average area requires up to one thousand parts. On each beam it is recommended to install 4 fasteners. These costs will not be too great. In addition, in the future they will fully pay themselves back.

The main advantages of the "SILA" spring bolt for the construction of wooden houses

It is known that wooden log houses must undergo shrinkage. This takes several years, and sometimes more. During this time, the tree gives away all moisture, and the construction stabilizes. With the use of special fasteners "SILA", the period of the stand of the log is significantly reduced. A few months are enough to be able to begin finishing work. This will save not only time, but also money.

You can use a spring unit to connect any wooden frame parts of the house. In this case, its installation does not require special knowledge and skills. It is enough to follow the attached instructions.

Summarizing all the information, it is possible to say with a high degree of certainty that the "SILA" node with the spring mechanism, in spite of its nondescriptness, is a very valuable detail in the construction of wooden houses. The advantages of using it have already been appreciated by many owners of such houses.

How to create a spring bolt "SILA" for the construction of wooden houses

The product received a start in life when the team of engineers had the idea of ​​creating a special fastening element - the spring unit "POWER". Research was conducted to develop the product. Tests of the spring unit "Sila", which allowed to improve the technology and bring it in line with the needs of consumers, were conducted in 2009.

As a result of the work, the product and the technology of its application were registered with the receipt of the relevant document. After the spring bolt "SILA" for the construction of wooden houses was obtained GOST, after which the unit was put into mass production and the first sales were started. Spring node "SILA" has demonstrated efficiency, but this work on improvement has not been completed.

Later, the spring unit was modernized. The changes covered the coverage, geometric and technical characteristics, the operational characteristics of the "SILA" node were significantly improved. The second modernization touched on the improvement of the screw and spring. In the last year the spring unit "SILA" has found its final appearance. The model was introduced to the international market of countries. The spring unit SILA is successfully used in Belarus.

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