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Floor heating system for a wooden house

Floor heating system for a wooden house  Floor heating system for a wooden house

With the growing trend to change a living in a flat in the city, where the state of the ecology leaves much to be desired, into a private house in the countryside, a big amount of people these days start thinking about building a wood home. Timber became so popular among other variants of material because it can provide some undoubted advantages in its usage. Among them are: positive influence on the state of health of the people, living in the house(at all times timber was known for its hypo allergic characteristics), eenvironmentally friendly, similarityof wood home construction, attractive appearance, heat saving, optionally of finishing works and many-many other. Nowadays wooden homes builders are more focused on the shaped timber and glue laminated beams. The choice of the material depends on the preferences of the future owner of the house.

Floor heating system for a wooden house

One of the important questions that will arise during the process of wooden house building is the choice of heating system for the house as well as its insulation. Any heating system will operate ineffectively if you save money on the insulation in the wood home. During the winter near 10% of the heat passes away through the floor. That is why insulation in private homes is so important. There are many variants to insulate the floor but the most effective is the system of heat-insulated floor. You can trust a professional to install the system or do it by yourself. It will depend on your desire to save some money and willingness to study the process and perform this work on your own. In this article we will describe main tips that should be taken into consideration for a wooden house.

Floor heating system for a wooden house

The system of heat-insulated floors in the private house has many advantages, but as well there are some disadvantages:

• due to optimal temperature spacingthroughout the height of the room the increased temperature, comfort is achieved; besides additional comfort is achieved by heating the floor surfaces –that is the only surface with which people come into direct contact;

• it contributes much to the hypoallergenic atmosphere in the house, due to the low temperature of the heated floor surfaces;
• minimize fuel input in heating system, which does not affect the thermal comfort in the wooden house;

• it minimize thefluctuations in the temperature of the room;

• this heating system is ideal for the private house, as it works with maximum efficiency;

•it is not visible as it is hiddenin theconstruction of the floor, so it does not distort thehouse designs indoor;

• it does not allow to change the temperature in the room quickly, because the system has a high thermal inertia. In the situation when the house is only used as a permanent residence it may be a big disadvantage;

• highly qualified performance of installation and construction works are important, besides if the correction of defects will be needed, you should be ready for big expenditures;

• there may be some limitations in the arrangement of the floor interior - not all materials can be used as a coating for a floor with system of heat-insulated floor installed, its surface is not recommended to cover by furniture or large thick carpet –it may lower the heat loss.

•it has a relatively low value of maximum temperature that can be achieved in the room. Sometimes this feature forces the house owner to install additional radiators.

• thecost of the system of heat-insulated floor is much higher than that of radiators.

Floor heating system for a wooden house

There are two types of the system of heat-insulated floors known: water and electrical. The main advantage of this system is considered to be the fact that it does not influence the indoor interior, this means there is no need to install radiators, as well as connecting pipes for them. However, installing this system into a wooden house requires fulfilling some specific recommendations due to the specific features of the structure of the timber. The main nuances will be described in the article today. We hope this information will be useful.

Floor heating system for a wooden house

The system of heat-insulated floors in the house built from timber can fully manage the problem of heating in the house. The other big advantage of the system lays in the reduce of the substantial costs during the winter heating season. This can only be achieved on conditions that the use is rational and there is the heat-insulating layer. The installation of this system allows using the useful interior space fully. It also allows saving a natural charm of the wooden houses interiors, which are not spoiled by the heating equipment, the presence of which can’t be combined with wood home design character.
So among two kinds of the system you will need to choose the one that will suit you the best. In the wood house construction two types of materials for floor structure building is used - concrete slabs and wooden beams. Wooden beams are most often used. They do not increase the carrying capacity of the foundation, as well as they do not reduce the heat conduction of wooden construction. The both types of the system of heat-insulated floors will fit the two types of floor structure materials. The choice will be made according to individual preferences of the owners and the desired heating capacity of the system.
Floor heating system for a wooden house

The water system of heat-insulated floors - reinforced-plastic pipe system with the agent (the water) circulating through it in the structure of wooden houses. Another variant is electrically conductive system, which includes heating cable and mats. Despite the fact that the water system of heat-insulated floors is still popular among some part of house owners, most owners nowadays prefer electrically conductive system. Reinforced-plastic pipe system is installed mostly in the bathrooms, which can be explained by the convenience of connecting to the hot water supply. But there is a tendency that the water system of heat-insulated floors becomes history. More and more owners of private wood homes choose electrically conductive system for the reason of the simplicity of installation, light weight, minimal energy usage.

It is very important to fulfill the installation of the electrically conductive system qualitatively, taking into account all requirements. If the installation is made competently, the temperature parameters can achieve ideal value needed for comfortable living in the house. As well the heat will transfer equally. Specialists year by year perfect the system of heat-insulated floors. The result of modern changes resulted in a new modification of the system: today it is equipped with devices that control the level of moisture – all this contributes to prolonging the service life of wooden building.

A number of technical requirements should be taken into consideration by the owner that decided to install system of heat-insulated floors in the wooden house. They are important, because they will help to avoid risky situations and problems during the operation of the heating system.

Installing electrically conductive system of heat-insulated floors you should remembered that:

-the heating cable put should be uniform; floor warming up in all areas of the floor should be equal.

- thermostat, that is equipped with temperature sensors throughout the floor construction and as well as air cushion will help to avoid spontaneous ignition and overheating of the floor surface. The maximum value, that should be automatically controlled by thermostat, is 40° C for floors made from timber.

-it is important to make waterproofing, that will prevent from moisture influence on the system. It is a well-known fact that water is an excellent conductor.

- the thickness of flooring, made of hardwood (beech, oak)should not be more than 2,4 cm, the thickness of flooring from pine or larch- 2,2 cm.

- it is undesirable to lay electric cables in areas of heavy furniture pieces location, as their weight may damage the electrical cable after the lasting pressure.
It is not recommended to cover the total area of the floor with electrically conductive system of heat-insulated floors installed by ​​natural or synthetic carpet. They will perform the isolation function and the generated heat won’t fully pass into the rooms.

The rules of system installation in a wooden construction

Heavy concrete blinding coat will unnecessarily increase the weight of the house of logs or lumber. That is why in wooden house the construction of air cushion is mainly used for system of heat-insulated floors installation.

Subflooring. Working stages for electrically conductive system of heat-insulated floors installation:

Floor structure is cleaned of dirt, garbage and dust. Cracks and gaps are filled with a special filling. You should only use the composition designed specially for timber. Please remember that construction foam is not suitable for the system of heat-insulated floors as it has high insulation characteristics and prevent the heat pass into the room. First of all you should install guide bars, they are attached by drywall screws. After that thermal insulating material is placed. Usually it performs two functions: it reflects heat stream and isolate electric heating cable. The material is placed between the support beams. Zinked mesh is placed above the insulating material. Electric cable is put parallel to guide bars, the distance between them should be approximately 1 cm. At the places of intersection of cable with support bars you will need to make cuts, deepening them to the level of thermal insulation layer arrangement. Each saw cutting is covered by metal foil. Cable is fixed to the beam by mounting band. If you need to attach the cable to the mesh, you should use clamps. 3 cm – is the minimum height of the air cushion in the structure of the system of heat-insulated floors in a wooden house.

After the system of heat-insulated floors is organized, you can pass to the construction of the finish floor. In its installation it is recommended to use timber that has passed stoving. The floor covering material need to lie in the room with turned on heating for two days, only after that you can put the flooring. Fulfilling of all the safety rules and installation recommendations for the wood house will eliminate the risk of fires, lower the heat expenditures cost and prolong the service life of the heating system. It will bring comfort and safety in you house.

Water system of heat-insulated floors. Main features.

This heating system is considered to be another suitable variant for space heating in wooden houses. It consists of metal-reinforced plastic pipes. The pipes are placed under surface of finish floor. Warm water goes the round of the pipes, passing its heat to the floor covering and room space.
A big advantage of this type of heat-insulated floors system, as well as that of electrically conductive system of heat-insulated floors, is the uniform heating of the floor surface and the equal heat input into the room, as opposed to the radiator system. The same positive moment concerns the fact that all the mechanism is hidden under the floor. The system does not interfere into the room design, and saves space. Water system of heat-insulated floors installation in a wooden house will create a comfortable heating atmosphere in the room. It is mostly used as the main heating system in the house.

The installation in the wooden house has some features that are important to know. Installation variant in which cement screed is not used is considered to be the best water systems in the buildings constructed from natural materials. It is quite understandable: cement screed has big weight and the wooden construction will barely carry it.
There are two types of water system installation: modular and Rack and pinion. In general, water system of heat-insulated floors is laid directly on the subflooring. These two types of the system have structural differences. The modular system uses ready-made modules – that has channels for plates and tubes. In the second type, Rack and pinion, elements of the system are placed between the boards.
Installation of this system makes a kind of subflooring on which the builders lay finished floor. The finished floor made of timber material can be laid directly on the aluminum plate, while linoleum or tile layer requires an additional layer. This additional layer contributes much into the equal heat spacing as well as divide the load of the finished floor covering.
It is very important to make the project of the water heating system, before you start working directly on it. As when installing this system into a wooden house, it is obligatory to take into consideration the structure of the wood house architecture. As timber as a building material for houses has some specific features:
-the process of shrinkage lasts over a year. This moment should be taken into account when putting pipes
- to save timber from cracking, it is important to maintain a certain heat atmosphere in the house
The best result can only be achieved by knowing and using in practice all this features. The cost of water system of heat-insulated floors is higher than that of traditional radiator system, but it has much bigger advantages then radiator system has. The process of heat system installation may be realized by specialist or you can study the whole process and do the job by your own. It is very important to examine every stage of the process, which will eliminate the risk system failure. As any kind of rebuilding will cost you much.
In other works we can state that water system of heat-insulated floorscan make the living in the private house very comfortable. As it is the source of equal heat spacing, it can be used as the main, but also as an additional heat source in the wood home. It perfectly fits the environmental friendliness of the wooded house, moreover it reduces heating costs by nearly 15%.

Floor heating system for a wooden house

The system of heat-insulated floors, whether it is water or electric, creates thermal comfort in the house. The biggest temperature of the flooring is recommended to be 29° C. The higher temperature may be harmful for human health. The average floor temperature in the house is recommended not to exceed 26 ° C. temperature near the doors and windows can be heated to 33 ° C to stabilize the increased heat loss in these areas. The same floor temperature can be in the bathroom, where people stay for a short time and often barefooted.
In general, the term thermal comfort means the condition in which it is not cold and not hot. This state can only be achieved by using a low-temperature radiant heating – the system of heat-insulated floors. Besides all this factors, floor is the only surface in the house, with which we have permanent contact. That is why the feeling of thermal comfort is so important for comfort living in private wooden house.
This system of floor heating is highly recommended for such flooring materials as tile and stone.
Many experts nowadays recommend using automatic weather regulator, taking into account that the system of heat-insulated floors has slow speed of response (slowly heated and slowly cools down). This regulator will control the operation of the systems without interference of people: due to it the temperature of the heat carrying agent that is supplied to the system will be adapted to the outdoor temperature. After the change of room temperature the temperature of heat carrying agent will be changed. Weather regulator installation is by no means economically advantageous.

What to choose? Is it worth paying more to get something better? It depends on how big this desire is and how much to pay.
The practice the usage of the system of heat-insulated floors indicates that it is very reliable and rarely any problems occur. It is quite mastered, and its installation should not cause difficulties for professionals. The higher cost and higher risk that "something can go wrong" - this is the price we have to pay for the opportunity to enjoy the comfort provided by a system of heat-insulated floors.

Look more:

You can see a video-review of the wooden house “Mirage”:

You can have a look on 3D-tour of the wooden house «Mirage»:

Wooden house "Mirage" from profiled glued timber 99m2

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