Siberian Pine for Building Wooden Houses (Eurasian Pine)
(Image from Wiki)
Belarusian Pine is an excellent building material. Pine timber is very welcomed as a building material for ages. It is not a surprise that pine is chosen for this purpose
First of all its very strong. It can grow to decent thickness very fast. It can be used in different humidity options.
Softwood has about 10 times the thermal insulating ability of concrete and masonry
Here as pictured and translated from Russian 230 mm timbers isolation quality equals to 560 mm ceramical beton and 1150 brick structure.
Energy Saving
In colder climates, the electric energy consumption of modern wood frame homes is:
9.43% lower than that of light steel house; and
10.92% lower than that of concrete houses.
More specifically, their results showed that the production of structural wood materials used in a wood frame buildings consumes:
28% less energy and 39% less water than equivalent materials used in a steel structures; and
45% less energy and 46% less water than equivalent materials used in concrete structures.
Phytoncides are antimicrobial allelochemic organic compounds dervied from various plants.
Cedar, garlic, locust, oak, onion, pine, tea tree and spices include these plants.
Pine tree is famous for its resistance and its repelling feature against instects and bugs.
Calming Effect of Pine Wood
It was scientifically proven that pine wood releases partical which has calming effect on living beings. The test was conducted on mice and their brain waves seemed to be have differed while exposed to pine wood environment. They felt more relaxed and less under stress.
Strength Durability
Pine is also choosen because of its strength and durability. Thick pine blocks can be maintained every 10 years unlike old type of wooden houses which you need to check for every couple years or paint them.
Fire Safety
When comparing the fire safety of wood versus concrete or steel, wood is stronger than you might think. Although wood is a combustible material, a layer of char is created when it burns, and this helps to protect the wood and maintain the strength and structural integrity of the wood inside. For this reason a heavy timber will stand longer than a comparable steel beam which will melt from the heat before the timber burns through.
Moisture Control
It is a common misconception that water is woods enemy. In fact, many wood buildings exist in rainy and humid places – it’s simply a matter of knowing how to manage and design for water in buildings.
Wood and water are typically very compatible – wood can absorb and release large quantities of moisture without problems, and it’s only when wood gets too wet for too long that problems can arise. If buildings are properly constructed to shed water, wood performs well as a structural building material in all types of climates.
Health Comfort
Wood generates positive feelings in humans. It also helps make a building more comfortable by naturally stabilizing indoor humidity. During times of high humidity, it absorbs moisture; during dry periods, it releases moisture into the air. This will create a soothing effect.
Research has found that interior wood paneling can reduce peak moisture loads in a typical home by 10-25%, making it more comfortable and reducing the need for air conditioning and ventilation. Wood floors, walls and roof contribute to better air quality as the accumulation of dust and microbes can be reduced through regular sweeping, mopping and vacuuming.
Siberian cedar or as it is also called — Siberian pine is a large noble tree with a powerful evergreen crown. Geographically, this tree grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, is found in Northern China and Mongolia. Siberian pine perfectly tolerates the absence of light, so it is considered a shade-tolerant tree. Prefers soil with good drainage, so that it is light in composition, moist sandy loam and loamy.
During the period of drought, Siberian cedar likes strong watering and spraying of young crowns with water. In general, this amazing tree is considered a long-lived, interesting is the fact that up to 80 years old Siberian cedar actively feeds on moisture from the soil, after 80 years the reverse process occurs, it gives it away. The height of the Siberian cedar can reach forty-five meters. As for longevity, a tree can live up to eight hundred years. Siberian pine trees are usually planted with seedlings, and seed sowing is also very popular.
Siberian cedar belongs to the evergreen trees of the pine family. The diameter of the trunk of this amazing tree can reach two meters, there are specimens with a large diameter.
Tips and recommendations for planting and caring for cedar
Siberian cedar is a happy owner of a thick beautiful crown, and sometimes several tops. Thick knots are located on the trunk of a tree with a gray-brown color. Trees of more advanced age are covered with cracked bark, which has the appearance of rough scales. Cedar needles are soft, dark green and covered with a bluish bloom. The length of the needles can reach 15 centimeters, they are in a bundle of five pieces.
Siberian cedar can be safely attributed to slow-growing tree species. Its growing season is very short, no more than 50 days a year. As for the cedar root system, it is very interesting and represents the following: a short taproot (40-50 cm) with lateral roots crawling away from it, at the tips of which there are tiny root hairs. Fungal roots or mycorrhiza can grow on these hairs. If the soil conditions are favorable, that is, it is light with a good drainage system, then the taproot receives everything necessary for the development of the most powerful anchor roots, reaching three meters in depth. It is they and the basal paws that are responsible for the stability of the entire tree.
1 Cones and seeds of Siberian cedar
2 Planting and care of cedar Siberian pine
3 Siberian cedar diseases and pests
Cones and seeds of Siberian cedar
Siberian cedar or Siberian pine is famous for its "pine nuts", in other words, seeds. About this in more detail. Siberian cedar belongs to the monoecious plants of the same sex. Male and female cones of this tree get along perfectly on the same living space. The male ones are concentrated at the base of the shoot, the female ones at the tips of the growth shoot, near the apical bud. Shoots are pollinated by wind. The shape of the kidneys is conical.
The ripe cones have a very large size up to fifteen centimeters
Ripe cones have a very large size up to fifteen centimeters, while they can grow up to eight centimeters in width. Young cones have a purple hue, gradually turn brown with age, and at first resemble an egg in shape, later acquire a diamond-shaped shape. The scales of the cone are strongly compressed, in order to fully mature they need about fifteen months.
The seeds of Siberian cedar themselves have an ovoid shape and are quite large: one and a half centimeters long and one centimeter wide, their color is dark, closer to brown. These giants begin to bear fruit at about the age of 60, which is surprising, especially when compared with the life cycle of a human or animal.
Planting and care of Siberian pine cedar
Cultivation of Siberian cedar is possible. This plant needs a strong supply of potassium. But nitrogen in the soil has a bad effect on the development of the root. In comparison with its coniferous and deciduous counterparts, the Siberian cedar, being young, does not differ in active growth. Cedar plantings are often overgrown with aspen, birch, spruce. Therefore, it is necessary to do "weeding" in time. It is best to plant cedars in the open and away from the fir trees, which are very fond of settling in the shade of the spreading cedar crowns.
Planting and care of Siberian pine cedar
Aesthetically, cedars look great with birches, but it is important to take into account the detrimental effect of the latter on the growth of any of its neighbors. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a distance when planting these trees in a common ensemble.
Before planting Siberian cedars, it is important to prepare and calculate everything in advance. It is better to make a marking of the territory in advance to provide the trees with the necessary space, experts recommend maintaining a distance of at least 9 meters.
Siberian cedars are perfectly propagated by seedlings, and it is best to purchase those that have been grown in containers. Such seedlings are distinguished by a whole undisturbed root system, they take root perfectly and begin to grow actively from the year following planting.
When transplanting from a container, it is important to pay attention to the roots. Often they are strongly twisted, they need to be carefully straightened and placed with special care in the landing pit so as to avoid twisting or bending. If the earth is too heavy in composition, you need to add sand there. Seedlings do not need litter, because parasites can live in them, which are not averse to spoiling the root mycorrhiza.
Siberian cedar needs mulching of the soil to maintain a high level of fertility of the tree
Siberian cedar needs mulching of the soil to maintain a high level of fertility of the tree and ensure natural ventilation and oxygen saturation of the upper layer. Mulch saves the tree from freezing during the period with low temperatures (in winter), retains moisture when growing cedar on light sandy loams. Mulch is added every year to activate the growth of adventitious roots, due to which the tree is gaining growth.
Thus, this mighty, beautiful tree is, in fact, a small child that needs an eye and an eye. With proper care and care, this tree can delight a family for many generations, and it's worth it. Siberian cedars are mighty giants-long-livers, created by nature to amaze people with their beauty, strength and useful properties contained in the air next to them, oil extracted from its fruits, and the fruits themselves carrying a whole storehouse of useful important properties.
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